Did you see in the news last week that as it was the last day for claims for asylum to be made they arranged special coaches (and food Might I add) for those in such circumstances so they did not miss their deadline!!!!!
I studied politics (for me sins) and I remember being a big time labour supporter who used to always have no doubt they should be in Govt. How fuc*ing wrong eh.
Im not saying ive swung to Torys or Social Liberal Whatchamacalllits - What im saying is there is fek all appealing about any of the partys manifesto's and lets face it if there was then it'd most probobaly be a load of lying bollox purely designed at attaining power (and soon to be forgotten once this was achieved)
It angers me that we spend an absolute fortune on tax and then watch how as its squandered on stupid governmental manouvres and not on the things which are crying out for funding such as the NHS and a string of other causes longer than anyones arm.
Sod em all, Bring on the anarchy
I studied politics (for me sins) and I remember being a big time labour supporter who used to always have no doubt they should be in Govt. How fuc*ing wrong eh.
Im not saying ive swung to Torys or Social Liberal Whatchamacalllits - What im saying is there is fek all appealing about any of the partys manifesto's and lets face it if there was then it'd most probobaly be a load of lying bollox purely designed at attaining power (and soon to be forgotten once this was achieved)
It angers me that we spend an absolute fortune on tax and then watch how as its squandered on stupid governmental manouvres and not on the things which are crying out for funding such as the NHS and a string of other causes longer than anyones arm.
Sod em all, Bring on the anarchy