yep it was chavtastic!
never seen so many total chavs in one place!
gangs of 15-30 of em all in caps (loads of burberry
caps had to be taken off and left in boxes at the door thou, which caused quite a stir amongst the chavs!) and socks tucked into tracky bottoms .... there were even kids who cant have been any older than the age of 12 there :| but then again, raves and in particular drum'n'bass events are well known for attracting that sort of crowd ......
when we arrived (what a mission the place is to find by the way, talk about shady :S ) there was probably the biggest queue for a club ive ever seen, it was ridiculous .... and when walking to the back you just had hundreds of chavs and black lads gunning you down with their stares, was well intimadating .... the women we're all allowed straight in though ..... saying that though, the queue did infact move relatively quickly and we were all in before too long ......
it was still a bit dodgy in the club up until one-ish with little shitheads making hand gestures in every direction, but this was only coz they hadnt come up yet ..... after one the club and atmos was sweet, coz it was blatently obvious that every single person who had gone to that place had gone to take drugs ... it was out of the centre with no bars/pubs anyuwhere near it and the drinks prices were ridiculous - £7 it cost me for a double vodka and coke!!
the club was wicked, layout, lighting and the sound in the back room in particular was as good as ive ever heard ..... andy c was amazing, evry time ive seen him he has been the part. so much effort and his dubs are always things youve never heard .... keeps his bag right under his feet then slaps on tune after tune as fast as ive seen always mixing well and he's spot on with all the effects .... zinc didnt turn up, tosser! he was the other headliner ..... killer kella i dont like one bit anyways, and dangerous d was good, as was mampi although he did play all d'n'b classics ......
the breaks in the back room were dodgy early on, loads of bootied up old hardcore tracks that just sounded wrong .... then gradually the sound quality and tracks got better and better, and hyper who played 2 while 4 was the absolute bollox ..... never heard breaks like his, such a mint dj and producer. everything he played was his own press and were so classy .... loads of giutar braks, elecro and acid .... hes well young 23 i think but he's done america first and hes remixed just about everyone now .... there was a smashing pumpkins track that blew me away, as did a 'flight of the navigator' sampled thing he'd done, quality
errr probs should have put this in reviews now seen as ive gone off on a mad one in my dinner break lol no worries, it'll be right ....
all in all a good night and nice change