guys i really need some moral support. You know occasionally when u just want someone to tell u everything is gonna be alright. It all starting going wrong at about 5:30am saturday morning I never really felt normal after that. Got stopped by the police on my mountain bike and couldn't talk! they just laughed and drove off. Felt terrible all day long. The trouble is i drink until i feel better. IMO the only way to cure hangovers. But what if u don't feel better at all. Sunday morning woke up and had yacked on my mates floor and somehow in the middle of the night managed to destroy his chair! (love to have seen how i did that). sunday night went round to a mates and got caned til about 2:30am was sposed to be helping my dad put some shelf up yesterday but lay in bed and just prayed that it wouldn't happen and luckily it didn't but we did have to do it at 8am this morning. I remember still being awake at 4am. Got up and yacked in the kitchen sink whilst he was in bathroom and seem to have got away with it. although how i'll never know. Just stood in some weird house holding up some shelf for an hour dreaming of bed. Slept from midday til now. Have just attempted some food. If it manages to stay down it'll be a first since friday. Got to stop doing this. Really find it harder to recover than when i was 21. Once I went out clubbing every friday and saturday for 3 months! and never once felt anything like this. Hope u all feel better than me. anyone ever done anything embarassing and really over done it? If it wasn't for ground hog day last night I don't know what i would have done. What a film!