too old for all this

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
guys i really need some moral support. You know occasionally when u just want someone to tell u everything is gonna be alright. It all starting going wrong at about 5:30am saturday morning I never really felt normal after that. Got stopped by the police on my mountain bike and couldn't talk! they just laughed and drove off. Felt terrible all day long. The trouble is i drink until i feel better. IMO the only way to cure hangovers. But what if u don't feel better at all. Sunday morning woke up and had yacked on my mates floor and somehow in the middle of the night managed to destroy his chair! (love to have seen how i did that). sunday night went round to a mates and got caned til about 2:30am was sposed to be helping my dad put some shelf up yesterday but lay in bed and just prayed that it wouldn't happen and luckily it didn't but we did have to do it at 8am this morning. I remember still being awake at 4am. Got up and yacked in the kitchen sink whilst he was in bathroom and seem to have got away with it. although how i'll never know. Just stood in some weird house holding up some shelf for an hour dreaming of bed. Slept from midday til now. Have just attempted some food. If it manages to stay down it'll be a first since friday. Got to stop doing this. Really find it harder to recover than when i was 21. Once I went out clubbing every friday and saturday for 3 months! and never once felt anything like this. Hope u all feel better than me. anyone ever done anything embarassing and really over done it? If it wasn't for ground hog day last night I don't know what i would have done. What a film!

tall paul

Sep 19, 2001
Don't worry about it too much m8, think everyone who's caned it has a mad one every now & then. If its starting to take it toll just calm it down a bit for a while & see how you feel.
There's no way I could hammer it like what we used to week in week out a few years back.

And stay away from fitting any more shelves - that's not good for you.


Registered Member
Feb 7, 2002
I had a nasty one last week sunday morning. Woke up and my mouth tasted like shit. Stumbled about for a bit finally made it to the toilet and just fell to my knees, gripped the toilet and puked. Went really dizzy after that and i felt all the colour goin from my face and went really hot. Then just lied on the floor for about 10 mins drank about 2 pints of water which made me feel worse dipped my face in sink full of cold water and just felt like i ws gunna die !

didn't eat anything for a day after that i felt like shit.
Nathan you are not alone...every time I go to GT I need a week to recover from it :S

I dont think it only happens after youve had a heavy night out too. I did my neck in almost 3 weeks ago and Im still not better :( Ive just had to go out today and buy an orthopedic pillow :| I thought only old people needed them :eek: errr...unless its time to admit I aint geting any younger, but I didnt think Id need one at 29 :crazy: I just hope it bloody works :S

Sweet xx

P.S I would reccomend calming it for a bit tho, it sounds like your body is telling you to :rolleyes: you dont want to be going down that slippery slope of drinking to make yourself feel normal...when you eventually stop your hangover will be 10 times worse :cry:


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
thx ever so much for

your kind comments. it really means a lot. Still feeling like shit but am coming to terms with the fact that I may live :) i just have too much time on my hands. So if you are up til 4am every night u are going to end up drinking too much. I honestly believe that if i t wasn't for my ps2 I'd probably be dead by now.

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Lololol at Nathan

I know what you mean m8, them Unemployed sleeping patterns are feckers ain't they

Got an Interveiw with an agent tomorro, so I wont be up watching the shopping channel tonight ......I hope :|


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
know what ya mean Nathan heres some defining moments of my life pointing out the decline of my ability to process alcohol

18 yrs of age - went Magaluf - 14 nights solid drinking cider - never chucked once

20 yrs of age - drank 100 cans in a weekend between 2 of us ended up with a camera down me neck & spewed blood

22 yrs of age - 6 pints every night except weekends where I had 12

24 yrs - ruined after a weekend on the beer - sickness and bad head for days

26yrs - cleared a full bottle of absynth - nearly lost my mind and now unable to drink 2 days on the run without Calling Hughie on the big white telephone upstairs

it just gets better :|

wish I was a young whipersnapper again


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
lol @ dannster

jesus mate! I've yacked blood twice. First time because of tele and movies I thought it was what you do just before you die. Lay down and waited for the inevitable then the door bell rang and my mate came and in and said not to worry and that she did it all the time. Think we went to the pub after that. Last night wasn't any better. Feel like i have alien in my belly. haven't slept a wink. I must try not to mistake gastric flu with a hangover again. too messy


New member
Its just getting old m8, happens to the best of us at some point in time.
I cant handle (or should I say my organism cant) the hammering I used to give it.
When I finally gave up class A's and weed in 1998 it took about 9 months to get over the hangover...just felt low, dizzy spells, lack of appertite etc etc for ages. Feel much better for it now though.

Now I still very occasionally over endulge (birthdays, xmas etc) and recovering is hard work.

What we gonna do fella, age is a fuckin nightmare and it catches us all at some stage.

Head up m8 it can only get better. (I think).