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ive upgraded the forum to v3.5.0. to the end user. aka u unless ur me which your not :hubba:  ya prolly wont see much of a difference. speed wise itl be a bit quicker. if u go to edit a post it does it in the same window now instead of redirecting you to another page it does it there and then. also when you post a post it jus appears rather than going to that thanks for  posting page.

the main changes are for mods its much easier now to move, merge edit delete posts than it was. and also it now has a plugin system which means all hacks that i wanna put on are now about 3 million times easier to do than they was previously.

basically when you upgraded the software in the past you had to re put on the addon you wanted ya see but with the plugin system it does it all for you.

which basically basically lol means is that i can put on loads of other bits without havin loads of ballache when it comes to updatin the forum software. il add a few over the next few weeks. arcade anyone ;)

o also another thing ive jus noticed is a spell checker now, and the abililty to switch between editor modes on the fly (check the buttons out above the smileys)

if you have any problems with owt hit ya refresh button and if it persists then empty your temp internet files and clear ya cookies as itl b tryin to use a cached version of the site ya see.

any other probs jus gimee a holler. f@ck jear :thumbsup: