WANTED-Monroes tapes 90-92/Blackburn party tapes

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New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
If anyone one has any of the above and is up for a swap,please get in touch.I've about 12 Monroes tapes (some of poor sound quality) and a list of others.If you send me your email,I'll send my tape list over,there's quite a few there.Carlos II (Colne) tapes also wanted and I've about 20 Carlos tapes I can swap back.Thanks alot,


Active member
Mar 25, 2002
Christian said:
If anyone one has any of the above and is up for a swap,please get in touch.I've about 12 Monroes tapes (some of poor sound quality) and a list of others.If you send me your email,I'll send my tape list over,there's quite a few there.Carlos II (Colne) tapes also wanted and I've about 20 Carlos tapes I can swap back.Thanks alot,

I too would like some monroes tapes from back in 90/92 when john jepson was the main attraction but unfortunatley after going there from 90/92 i came away with no tapes what so ever.

I`m sorry i`m no help christian m8 but it`s nice to hear from another member who knows good music.



New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
Good to hear from someone else who has been Monroes.Those earlies days were by far the best sounds I've heard anywhere,very underground.I didnt start going there till 93 unfortuantely so missed the best days!If you'd like some tapes doing from the one's I've got,let me know.Do you have any other tapes from 90-92 you could enlighten me with?Thanks for reply anyway,take it easy,


Active member
Mar 25, 2002
Unfor tunatley i don`t have any tapes from back then which i`m totally gutted about,but i see you want carlos tapes as well i think tino your man for that i`m sure i read on a thread before that he had a few of them.Went there a few times me self when monroes went shite.

Send him a pm and he might be able to do some trade for ya.

P.s if you do find some old monroes tapes from when jepson used to be the dogs bollox please give us a shout.

Hope i`ve helped.



New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
Thanks for the info mate.I've got the tapes from Monroes Tino has,bar one,which he's sending to me.The Carlos one's,I sent him I think.I've deffo a John J 1990 from Monroes.Also I've about 4 other tapes which are belters from between 90-92,some of these may be John J.Even if its not John J,there's some serious tune's there and I'm struggling IDing many of them,so alot of the tunes there must be rare.If you want any,give me your email and I'll send my list.The Monroes one's are in there own group,there's some from 93/94 that are old skool sets too,2 of them Stu Allan.Have you any early tapes there mate you can trade?Don't have to be Monroes,just mixes with quality early tunes,or upto 93 If anymore come my way,I'll let you know too.Nice to know someone


Active member
Mar 25, 2002
Would very much like the john jepson tape of ya and the ones from 90/92 the only tapes i can find are one which has dj welly writen on it which i`m sure is from when he used to do monroes ive also got one which says graham park hacienda on it another which says gilly`s east tunes(he used to be the dj at monroes and set end when it all started and lives in great harwood still),but i`ve got a jepson tapes wdhich i can`t find at the moment from a club in blackpool in about 92 when he play the record he made reality feel it as a brand new tune cause the mc`s doin his salesman ship piece but he introduces it as virtual reality for some reason.

That`s all i`ve got unfortunatly but i`m sure i could compensate you with some wonga for your troubles for the tapes if thats possible m8.

cheers digthemusic


New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
Alright mate,
No worries about wonga mate,just after more musical enlightment mate!If you could record me any of the tapes you have I'd be bowled over.Especially the Welly and Gilly.I remember Gilly being there in 93,he was quality I thought at the time.He knew alot of the lads from Oswaldtwistle where I'm from. I've a Welly here from 92 as well.The sound quality is abit poor,but tune quality is fuckin rockin.Some absolute gems there,very underground and one you should love.Providing of course it aint the one you have!Does yours start with Bass Value-In The Morning,(Do You Wanna Party).If its not one you have,I'll send it deffo.Just got another from late 91 off Tino a couple of week back,CLASS.Proper Monroes style,touching on abit of everything,from your very uplifting to your full on underground bangers.Had some taste in them days!Send your addy mate and I'll try an have some over at the end of the week.I've 10 tapes to do someone but will fit them in,in between,take it easy


New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
Can anyone help here??Must be some tapes out there,how about any of John Jepson's,from 90-92.He is the main DJ from Monroes 90-91 that I'm after.I've a fair few tapes here that can be swapped in return.Thanks all,


New member
Jan 25, 2003
near Blackburn
Surely someone has some of the mentioned tapes knocking about there collections?I've a decent list of swaps waiting to return in favour.If you can,please help,I'd be as grateful as it can possibly be!