thats reminded me of when we hired a van to go to shellys an some bell rash put petrol in a diesel van! (wasn't me cos I was in the front seat an woudn't move in case sumone nicked me seat cos there was about 15 peeps in the back!) We got about 200 yards down the motorway an it just died, so were all stood there bout 18 of us on the hard shoulder in various states of messed up ness, most of em decided to walk home, as it was only about 5 miles, an a few of us decided to hitchhike(the most messed of us, funny enough, includin me, funny enough again!) . we'd only been stood there wiv our thumbs out gettin blanked for about 10 mins when a van screetched to a halt just past us an razzed it back up the hard shoulder (nearly killin us I might add) it was a kid from near us an he was goin to Shellys with an empty van! what a result, it was only half way there when sumone asked him why he was goin on his jack that he told us he'd just been to to the shop for some ale, gutted cos he had no lift to shellys , when he come out there was a van tickin over with no one in it, so he jumped in it!
Anywayz we had a top bannana night an I even went with him the next day to push it in the canal off our heeds!
Ahhh...the memories!