We Whooped Some Ass!!! OSA Summer Party!!! 17.09.22

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Right so ok…

How do I even go about starting this review???

I guess the best place to start at is by chanting “Billy, Billy, Billy!! Oi Oi Oi!!! And Long live OSA!!!”

What an absolutely incredible night, a brilliant long weekend and everything else that went along with it!

Since returning back to my home here at www.oldskoolanthems.com just over 2 years ago, well all I’ve seen is the gang in our chat room hustling and asking us for “An OSA Reunion” so its been a topic that Billy Rave and I had been mulling over for a while… Then our www.facebook.com/groups/soundsofthemixcity Mix City and Neil Cano Hernandez hit the boom switch, so off we went like a rocket!

All the way down this adventure Billy Rave and I were on the very same page regarding everything we felt we wanted to bring to our peoples… The Friday and Saturday Night OSA radio shows, but live in a venue! All totally and utterly 100% authentic OSA!!

After us visiting the venue 2 weeks previously, I can remember looking around the place and thinking “Oh ok, hmmmm then Yikes can we really pull this off in here?” as honestly, most things weren’t working and there was big heavy furniture all over the dance floor, yader, yader, ya, ya with nothing really fancy or any real electronic fanciness to speak of!

But after us grafting, mithering, pecking and re-setting over it all, Billy Rave, you total legend, you kicked that venue into what you all saw on Saturday evening…
We didn’t overegg it, we knew exactly what and how it had to be! We stuck to the script and well with some added Mix City Magic sprinkles, yep I think we can safely say, what an absolutely amazing night we all had!!!

As Omg, you guys well and truly brought the “Osa’iness” back to Manchester and Yes Boom in the Room with a great big “Mic Drop, Bosh!!”
Each and every single DJ that played for us played out of their skins and all of you that pulled your party pumps on to come and play out with us brought with it some seriously good vibeage and loving!

It felt special, really special from start to finish… The goosebumps I’m getting now from the memories of Saturday night are so totally overwhelming that, Yes crew, you came home! We all came home back to our magical place!

Every single set was totally off the hook and to say my legs were totally wobbly after dancing like a diva all night long, is an understatement… I felt like the room had wings on Saturday!

I cannot thank all the DJs enough as not one of them got paid, as hence why the ticket cost was so low, it literally paid for the venue hire and nothing more… But your love for OSA shone through as you didn’t just play to get paid, you all played because you are all passionate about keeping our beloved OSA alive!!!
I think our Barrie Jay got his last old skool set send off in true fine style and thank you for it being us that you wanted to share the goodbye with! We Love Ya Bazza!!

Wayne Thorley, Gregg Nugent, Sonic, Jack G, Butty & Recca (Anthony Butler Paul Verrechia) Barrie Jay, Neil Cano Hernandez Cano & SaySay Tracy Palmer, Christopher Radish Rayner, Superdan & Davey T! Fcuk Yeah!! To all of you!! Brilliant … Next level you lot are!! Simply brilliant all of you! Thank you!!

And most importantly all of you that came, guys, I have no words that can cover how much respect I have for how you all came and brought your love for us with you! What a night to remember hey!!! Dance?? Ha, You guys owned it!!!

I've missed you all so much, so t was wonderful to see you all again! Old and New members altogether again, it really was immense!!!

I’ve thanked Billy Rave about a million times now, to the point I bet he’s fed up with me, but guys this night would not have happened without our big bear pulling his heart out and whopping ass with the arranging and doing!!! We Love Ya Bear!!!

“Dance Mutha Fcukers” was the phrase of the night and Dance you all did!!

Until next time… Mwaaaaaah x


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