For me its Elizabeth Wurtzel's 'Prozac Nation'. Its so far a more depressive and graphic 'Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath.
Its wrote like a reflective journal, so the facts and events are wrote on the right hand, and her thoughts and feelings to such events on the other. Its alright, not a bad read- a bit dark though. I am making a special effort not to listen to Damian Rice as i read though incase it pushes me over the edge lol.
What book are you reading at the mo?
Its wrote like a reflective journal, so the facts and events are wrote on the right hand, and her thoughts and feelings to such events on the other. Its alright, not a bad read- a bit dark though. I am making a special effort not to listen to Damian Rice as i read though incase it pushes me over the edge lol.
What book are you reading at the mo?