When you get old.

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Why do some people get all grumpy when they get old? You see them don't you, bad temperd oldies. I see it happening to my mum, and it makes me sad to see her getting so bitter with the blows life has dealt her. She used to be fine, but the closer she is getting to 60 she just gets more angry. I don't know what to do to help, i try and make her life the best i can but i guess it just happens to some people. At work, when i have worked with older people, some seem to escape the bitterness and some are consumed with it. I think it evens happens to those who would never thin it couls, i see pics of patients all smiling and full of life when young. I just don't get it.


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
I have seen it with my grandad...he's always been a grump but my nana...different kettle of fish altogether....she is ace......:thumbsup: she has the odd moan but in general she is a happy go lucky lady./....and considering the cards life has dealt her she would be quite within her rights to be a right ol whinge bag :p

I usually find you get grumpier or happier :| me...ill be a right ol grimp i reckon when im older...id out do most old ladies now at 33 :rofl: i jus hope i take after my nana and improve with old age :p my temper is defo calming down from when i was younger :thumbsup: so maybe the rest will follow :$


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
Amelie said:
Why do some people get all grumpy when they get old? You see them don't you, bad temperd oldies. I see it happening to my mum, and it makes me sad to see her getting so bitter with the blows life has dealt her. She used to be fine, but the closer she is getting to 60 she just gets more angry. I don't know what to do to help, i try and make her life the best i can but i guess it just happens to some people. At work, when i have worked with older people, some seem to escape the bitterness and some are consumed with it. I think it evens happens to those who would never thin it couls, i see pics of patients all smiling and full of life when young. I just don't get it.


Haemorhroids and incontinence!! Wouldn't you be grumpy;)
Amelie said:
Of course i can't laugh too hard, as it worsens the grape/bladder combo problem.

Here yer go....




New member
Sep 6, 2003
Lozzie said:
I love that proggy on telly, "The grumpy old men/women" series...really funny!!!

But yeh, I'm gonna take great delight in living in a big old house with millions of cats and stabbing every kids football that pops over the gates...hehehehehe:p ;)
Try to stink of piss as well, that would be good. Also, wear wierd combo's like dresses over jogging pants then some like, high heels lol. That will confuse everyone.
