This film is easily the second best thing i have sen this year, second only to the achingly beautiful Cinema Paradiso.
I thought that this film was a fantastic potrayal of a young man suffering an attack of actute schitzophrenia with both visual and auditiory hallucinations in the form of Frank- the quite simply horrible monotone rabbit that is a product of Donnies tormented and highly medicated imagination. The fludid type projections i thought were an apparant extension of individuals spirituality- he saw their souls moving before they follwerd etc. And it was his projection that led him to the gun.
I thought Jake Gyllenhall's (sherrrrwing) talent a the portralyal of an individual both excluded from normality, and having enough insight to be aware of such consequences was totally amazing- he was particulaly exellent with his defensive non verbal body language.
I thought that the film played heavily on alot of insecurites that we all suffer during adolecence- the kid being bullied, sexuality, religion and violence- but these were so subtle that the viewer could easily pick up on what they regongised from their youth, or ignore it without having an efect on the plot- they were sort of bonus bits to look into, if you so wished.
Patrick Swazye was spot on with his role of a total smug twat motivational speaker, but i thought Drew Barrymore was a bit jiz to be honest. I was a little confused with the time travel bit- but i think this was just a representation of how many schizophenics suffer compulsive obsessions. He developed the characters in his mind to be much more important then they were to other members of society- the old lady for example.
I really loved this film, but the ending really threw me, if any one else has watched it i would be gratefull of some help here
I thought that this film was a fantastic potrayal of a young man suffering an attack of actute schitzophrenia with both visual and auditiory hallucinations in the form of Frank- the quite simply horrible monotone rabbit that is a product of Donnies tormented and highly medicated imagination. The fludid type projections i thought were an apparant extension of individuals spirituality- he saw their souls moving before they follwerd etc. And it was his projection that led him to the gun.
I thought Jake Gyllenhall's (sherrrrwing) talent a the portralyal of an individual both excluded from normality, and having enough insight to be aware of such consequences was totally amazing- he was particulaly exellent with his defensive non verbal body language.
I thought that the film played heavily on alot of insecurites that we all suffer during adolecence- the kid being bullied, sexuality, religion and violence- but these were so subtle that the viewer could easily pick up on what they regongised from their youth, or ignore it without having an efect on the plot- they were sort of bonus bits to look into, if you so wished.
Patrick Swazye was spot on with his role of a total smug twat motivational speaker, but i thought Drew Barrymore was a bit jiz to be honest. I was a little confused with the time travel bit- but i think this was just a representation of how many schizophenics suffer compulsive obsessions. He developed the characters in his mind to be much more important then they were to other members of society- the old lady for example.
I really loved this film, but the ending really threw me, if any one else has watched it i would be gratefull of some help here