Zone 11th

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Sep 1, 2001
kev said:

Zonecrew, its a shame we didnt get to meet coz it would of been nice to put a face to some names off this site, i met up with Mikey on Sunday at melody house and a top bloke he is too. BTW if you wanna hear the proper italian classics you should get yourself to that replay night in fleetwood with dj's Keith Capstick/Mikey and Barrie Jay all the best tunes from 1990-1993 i think thats where the Zone heads will be in future :thumbsup:

Hopefully see you there

All the best..............Kev


Would have been good to have met ya, buy you a beer or two for the excellent tapes that you sent me.

As for going to Replay then i defo will try and make it down to the night, it sounds alright. Sorry to hear about Keith Capstick, he's been a rez for a while now hasn't he and a favourite with the Zone crowd. My heart has always been with the Zone though, i've followed the club since the Venue and will probably do so until i'm either too old or the club finishes, 11yrs is quite an achievement in moden clubbing terms



New member
Jan 15, 2002
f.a.o kev & everyone

i agree with you totally there mate.capstick is an excellent dj and should have deserved more than he got.
a lot of poeple think that zone has lost the spirit of what 'zone' is all about.
the mere fact that 99% of people refer to the italian stuff as 'zone tunes' might explain what it was all about....
the crowd might want hard house so give em it,but just remember that only a very small percent of that crowd will have experienced a true zone night and that's why a night full of italian stuff would be a bad idea.
i agree totally (as a dj myself) that a good night is all about the right balance of music and i think to play italian stuff from 94 week in week out would be pretty daft but in my opinion i think it would have been a better idea to at least play a bit on the 11th goes right back to '91,how many zone dj's were on that night ???
i wonder how many of the dj's that night actually play any zone classics ???
i wonder how many of the dj's actually have any of the zone classics ???
i rest my case...
i'd just remove the word 'zone' from the flyers but everyone's entitled to their opinion....
all the best!


New member
Jan 15, 2002
f.a.o jay

what else is on that tape ??? wouldn't mind a listen marra,i think i was there that night.

andy d -zone

New member
Sep 16, 2002
People seem to be forgetting that Zone is a promotion company that presents nights at clubs.Based on providing what the majority of the people at the time want , that is the music policy.
Therefore what was played in 91 is not what is played in 02.
As Mikey said there has to be a balance of music played on the night ,to try and keep all people happy.
As we have found in the past ,when we played mainly the old Italian classics the attendances started to drop off.
You simply can not play one type of music all night for a handful of people.
On the birthday ,all the DJ's played some of the classics mixed with other favourites and requests.
The Zone will continue to present nights at Maximes in Wigan, La Mania in Halifax ,North in Manchester and Club One Eleven(Sequins) in Blackpool as long as there is a crowd to entertain, and the music policy will be to dance and enjoy.
Andy and Debby D


New member
Jan 15, 2002
fair play...

i just thought birthday nights in general were a celebration of the success of the club/night and in the case of zone to celebrate the longevity of the night,which is what a lot of people have been talking about.
i don't agree with what you say re: '91 tunes not being played nowadays though,especially with regards to birthday nights.
correct me if i'm wrong,but i would say that the music policy should be representative of the music played throughout the history of the club.this doesn't mean that's the style of music that should be played every week though....fair point ???
i'm just a bit baffled about the lack of zone djs that played at the birthday night but on the other hand i think that's why there's a lack of 'zone music' played.
you're in a position to basically play what ever you want to play.if the music that's played now is what the crowd wants then that's fair enough but i think people should be offered the opportunity to at least hear what zone WAS all about.the birthday night was a great opportunity to get some of the 'music' in question played.
if you're a regular visitor to this site then you'll no doubt be aware of the popularity of the old 'zone classics'.
the bottom line is that people still wanna hear them,i just don't think they're getting a chance...
old dance music can and very often does well in clubland,just look at goodtimes leeds.

all the best me marras!
p.s. zonecrew,i am from whitehaven.


Sep 1, 2001
From what i remember there was a lot of old skool being played on the 11th birthday BUT i only had chance to listen to Capsticks, Rick Jones and Andy Pendles set (i think!)

Was the hard house on later:confused:

The Zones popularity has never been so good, look at the number of clubs that it plays at now. Its got a whole new set of young followers and if they have to accomodate and play HH at their nights then so be it, it obviously works!
As long as the Italian vibe remains and it doesnt turn all HH (which i doubt it ever will) then that'll do for me!

I remember a few years back towards the end of their residency at the Mill in Preston, the Zone was on its knees! It lost a vast number of followers from Cumbria and no doubt others that were unhappy at the move from Blackpool to Preston, lets face it the Mill was a shit heap! Its doing great now compared to then!


New member
Jul 18, 2001
West Yorkshire
andy d -zone said:
Andy and Debby D

LOLOLOL I have been waiting for you to post all afternoon see if you really are "the man" :D :D

Huge respect for the countless nights you've fukked with me head with yer massive tunes :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hehehehe massive respect to yer sis too :D She knew how to put a night on alright ;)

Can't comment on the birthday celebration bit cause I wasn't there. However, Zone without Matt Bell :confused:

Doesn't work for me.... :|


New member
Feb 1, 2002

Can't say that i agree with on the mill/dancefactory bit, coz i had some belting nights there, but the Zone did struggle at the Cricketers in wigan due to the happy hardcore invaision being played in other clubs.

Sorry to break it to ya, but there's gonna be no more italian to be played on Zone nights coz there aint any more Zone dj's playing there anymore, its all gonna be hardhouse and alice dj mash ups (trust me i know what i'm on about!!) Gary and Andy do not want Italian played at the Zone thats why Phil got barred from his own nights coz he wanted a mixture of classics and new tunes.

I hope Andy and Gary's night has all the success in the world but since Phil has registered the "Zone" name mabey he should take it back and have proper zone nights ;)

All the best..........Kev


Sep 29, 2001
Manchester UK
Re: fair play...

mikey said:
i just thought birthday nights in general were a celebration of the success of the club/night and in the case of zone to celebrate the longevity of the night,which is what a lot of people have been talking about.
i don't agree with what you say re: '91 tunes not being played nowadays though,especially with regards to birthday nights.
correct me if i'm wrong,but i would say that the music policy should be representative of the music played throughout the history of the club.

I think you will find thats what I played from 11 till 1 if you listen to the tapes ..


New member
Jan 15, 2002

ok rick no probs,i wouldn't mind a listen to em.
i'll have to see about getting copies.i'll let you know my thoughts
once i've had a listen.
all the best!
mikey :guitar:


New member
Nov 20, 2001
Sorry mate but shouldn't comment about things you know nothing about.
As for your comment about Italian music not going to be played.How do you know that is so ,are you now the new manager/promoter who decides what will be played ,-- NO.
Stop trying to spread gossip and rumours.
It's simple , if you like the night then come down and enjoy it, if you don't then go somewhere else.
A Zone resident is anybody who Debby + Andy see fit to make resident.It's there night so they decide which DJ's to put on and what music policy they would like.
I think you will also find that the hard house you mention was played mainly by your dear friend KC.

To everybody else.
The DJ's booked for the Zone Birthday were as follows :-
Keith Capstick (Zone Resident)
XTC (original Zone Resident)
Pete Daley (New Zone Resident)
Andy Pendle (Ex Zone Resident)
Rick Jones (ex Guest and New Zone Resident)
Is that enough Zone Dj's for you ?

Cheers Gary


Sep 1, 2001
I cant think of a club that hasnt tweaked a little with their music policy. They all do it at some point to keep the crowds in and unfortunately thats what keeps the promoters and club owners happy, its not really about the music anymore is it


I'm not knocking anyone connected to the Zone as i'd sooner have a Zone that is alive and kicking than none at all. I can live with a few trance or HH choons mixed in as long as they dont forget where they have originated from.

For a lot of people the Zone is more a way of life than a club night, i remember in the mid 90's standing in Meoldy House listening to choons and the place was rammed with others doing the same as me, yes, it has lost a bit of its uniqueness (is there such a word:confused: ) but 11yrs is a LONG time and the legend that is the Zone looks set to continue for a while yet!

PS Andy - any chance of bringing the night up to West Cumbria mate for a one-off, worth an ask i suppose;)


New member
Apr 24, 2002
i went and i thought it was a good night did fade a bit towards the end.i thought rick jones was set of the night he always plays for the like beat it,never let go then for the younger generation of clubbers amen-pasion,poppers -every little time.

he seems to have got the right blend for a club like maximes.

respect has to go to andy d,debby d. for 11years at zone
and gary h who stuck through maximes through the bad times and stuck with the dance scene for so long

jamie agar

New member
Sep 17, 2002

im a new zone resident dj,been working there for 4 months now.The music policy is old and new and ive seen zone go from strength to strength over the last couple of months including the zone vz hypnotic events which have been held at various clubs round the country.the nights just seem to be getting better and better!
thanks to andy n debby d and g hypnotic
Also glad to see rick jones back on the team!:phones:


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
Welcome Aboard Jamie!

Introduce yourself in a new Thread m8 and get involved in the postin frenzy! Your are now in old skool heaven be prepared to slide down the slippery posting slope that is OSA! - grab a chilled can of Nelson Mandella from Butty's fridge and sit yerself down on the comfy chairs in the chillout section and prepare to come closer to all your dreams.


Its good to see more DJ's gettin on the board. Its a top way of getting feeedback on a night etc.

Miss Xtc

New member
Mar 27, 2003
Goin down....

Hiya this is the first thing ive posted on this site but ive been going to Maximes and following Zone for as long as I can remember now. even though it doesnt bother me to hear a bit of HH played,we go 2 Maximes just to hear Zone music-if I wanted to dance to house I wouldnt bother my arse going all the way 2 Wigan.D'y know wot I mean?Zone you need to keep it real-I havent been down 4 a while cos ive been told the music has gone downhill...anybody?


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
hiya :)

glad to see you got your posting thang sorted :thumbsup:

now get in the chillout room and do a new post and tell us about aboot yerself.

from what i know chuk when they were playing the old italian stuff the numbers attendin these nights dropped and dropped so like any business they changed the music policy and now from what i know theyre busier than ever.

im sure if they wud have been still busy with the old italian stuff they wudnt have changed things around as there would be no need to.

hope this helps :mexican:

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