purvis just cuz his name sounds so wrong
phil or vern?
purvis just cuz his name sounds so wrong
phil or vern?
dr legg
on the bellenders theme how about
rollie the poodle or willy the ugly pug???
dr legg
on the bellenders theme how about
rollie the poodle or willy the ugly pug???
PMSL... rolly... you'd have more to grab hold of
lol... staying with the theme... one for nics... Monica, or Schmeichel?
awww you missed mine
schmeichal for sho mo-fo
reet ho - getting offa the animal theme coz its just plain wrong
how about brucies bonus or micheals hotspots???
that jane was quite foxy as i remember...
tricky access through the yellow dungarees tho but...
i reckon she'd be up for it while the other two enjoyed their bum fun (the dorty arabs)...
Bob Carolgees or Spit the Dog?
Spit the Dog obv for the built in 'lube' factor.
Daphne or Celeste (sniggers then barfs as thought).
oof! both! I'm well up for bein the meat in that sarnie...
"no my dear, i insist, stick YOU!"
Right... would you prefer a bit of coupling with Thomas the Tank Engine, or a threesome with his two filthy hangers-on Annie & Clarabelle?
gott be ole tommy T for me,
what either of the fat slags from viz........not too sure on the names, is it sharon n tracy???
The dark haired one
Trinnie or Suzanne?
none if i can help it, but they both need a good pan of stew
but if needs be id pik trinnie
dirty den or mike baldwin
Mike for the guarantee of 'wood' due to rigor lol.
Jimmy Corkhill or evil Trev under the patio.