Okay not quite a ROFLMFAO, more a little LOL, lol, but how come if i don't write for a while i start to question even the most basic of spellings. Before i went to write 'table' and no matter how many times i looked at it- it just seemed wrong. I had to actually check as it was doing my bonse in.
Its the same with saying certian words, if you say them a few times it becomes just an odd sound. Apple is a good one for this.
Another one is, when i come to give my phone number out a few weeks ago out popped the one that my Parents had at the last house some 20 years ago. Could i remeber my own number, could i shite. I now have it on the chalk board incase i forget again.
Its the same with saying certian words, if you say them a few times it becomes just an odd sound. Apple is a good one for this.
Another one is, when i come to give my phone number out a few weeks ago out popped the one that my Parents had at the last house some 20 years ago. Could i remeber my own number, could i shite. I now have it on the chalk board incase i forget again.