Do you believe in Karma?

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Vee is living proof Karma is real! :luv: To vee, you know why mate, etc. :thumbsup:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005

.............. but there's gonna be one day when that person needs me........and guess what - I can say "Sorry i'm busy"...... Karma will bite them on the ass!


Wouldn't that just create more negative karma though?:S

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
I think we create/are the cause of almost everything that happens to us somehow, whether we can morally attribute the consequences to our actions or not, at some, however distant or unconscious level, I think we cause most of them.

Haven't fully made my mind up about karma, still need to spend some time on the concept...


New member
May 26, 2006
I kinda believe that too Miss C.
And it's true that one choice you make can affect your whole life. This is a great subject because there is so much to be talked about, different concepts, depths and perceptions.
I do believe that everything happens for a reason, not every descision is always going to be the right descision, and out of every bad situation something good comes out of it.
Another concept: If you accidentally hurt someone or unknowingly upset someone - what happens to Karma then? :confused:

betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
How can you not??? Karma does have alot to answer for. I know its for real, for reasons im not gonna go into. Its real as fook, I dare not to believe in it. To quote Slaggymong: Vee is proof, she well upholds it, try telling her its not real...How can you argue with Karma, you cant itll just come back on ya! :thumbsup:

What goes around, comes around to fook. I know. Have good Karma ppl. Always think positive, be positive, dont hold grudges, be forgiving, understanding and true and all them things will be returned back to you :D
Shooms, they are both gay as a window...

Madras is where its at :p :hubba:

Balti is as Brum as a bosting :p We were reared on it

Back to karma... yes I believe... life is all experience... we are presented with choices & it's how we choose act on them that makes us grow... sometimes the choices re-appear in different guises over & over coz we didn't learn last time :$ :$ :$

I firmly believe that you attract the energy back that yourself give out :)

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
I firmly believe that you attract the energy back that yourself give out :)

Yeah that fits with what I think.

Also though, nothing is ever all good or all bad, same as people aren't, endless positives and negatives come out of every decision is right or wrong...just different, even though the negatives might outweigh the positives sometimes.

betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
Yeah that fits with what I think.

Also though, nothing is ever all good or all bad, same as people aren't, endless positives and negatives come out of every decision is right or wrong...just different, even though the negatives might outweigh the positives sometimes. have to think positive in negative situations, otherwise the negative thoughts come back round....thoughts become things, choose the good ones-lol :thumbsup:


Active member
Aug 1, 2002
I think we create/are the cause of almost everything that happens to us somehow, whether we can morally attribute the consequences to our actions or not, at some, however distant or unconscious level, I think we cause most of them.

Haven't fully made my mind up about karma, still need to spend some time on the concept...

You raise a good point about morality. I'm still getting my head around it, but where I am up to is that morality is essentially rigid, stuck, where as the universe, and our part in it flows. So there's a 'dis-ease' here. Therefore to be truly acting in our 'true nature' we may act in ways that are, perhaps to outside observers in a way that could be viewed 'immoral'. This occurs within Buddhism even, Thai buddhists are horrified at the thought of eating meat, drinking alcohol, getting married. In Japan after monastic training, the monk/priest is free to make his own mind up.
deffo believe in karma. seen it work in front of my eyes.

These days, i try to wake up in a good mood,and smile at people...etc etc, possative breeds possative!

its mostly in my head though....truely, you know wether you did somthing with lack of thought or mallice....or just happily...the actions are nothing without the meaning you give them...either possative or negative. Hope that makes sense lol

(Hi ed btw lol)

Another concept: If you accidentally hurt someone or unknowingly upset someone - what happens to Karma then? :confused:

It is about energy as apposed to action. If you meant to hurt someone...thats negative energy, you purosefully put that out there....

if you did somthing accidentally (ie, knocking a granny over by complete accident) the energy remains neutral...and will do depending on how you react (possative or negative)


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
I firmly believe that you attract the energy back that yourself give out :)

I firmly believe you attract men and old women!!!

I hope there is such a thing as Karma cos good people deserve good and idiots deserve to fall down man holes etc.:thumbsup:

I like to think i'm a good person (most of the time :$ ) and i do feel that good does come my way!! (so does alot of shite but i pretend not to notice all that;) )
This occurs within Buddhism even, Thai buddhists are horrified at the thought of eating meat, drinking alcohol, getting married. In Japan after monastic training, the monk/priest is free to make his own mind up.

I don't believe karma relates to our beliefs as human not eating meat or whatever as a thing on one level...your life and actions within it, are vessels to transport energy good or bad, depending on the intent. One mans bad is another mans roast dinner...


Active member
Aug 1, 2002
I don't believe karma relates to our beliefs as human not eating meat or whatever as a thing on one level...your life and actions within it, are vessels to transport energy good or bad, depending on the intent. One mans bad is another mans roast dinner...

Hi Lozzie:wave: Looking forward to seeing you at the wedding.

Going back to what you said earlier about intent, I know that when I eat meat, the chances are the animal has suffered for it. Although you might get the odd cow lovingly raised and gently culled, I can't help thinking I'm a selfish twat for eating meat. The trouble is I like it. The desire to taste it is at the minute too strong. When I remember I do say thank you (in my head) to the animal before tucking in. Mental to some, but it makes me feel a little better.