I cant believe the links from my RIP are still working
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Roger Sanchez
Side A
0000 Judy Cheeks - Respect (briefly)
0130 The Bucketheads - The Bomb!
0445 George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Acapella)
0540 piano/organ (doubling)
0905 tribal
1135 Barry White - Love Is The Icon
1740 Sound Design (Todd Terry) - Bounce To The Beat
2000 "ooh i like it, sing it to ya" female
3230 "come on yeah" female/organ
3530 Barbara Tucker - I Get Lifted (boyd slam the organ mix)
Side B
0000 Barbara Tucker - I Get Lifted (cont)
0440 Underground Solution - Luv Dancin'
0700 "set me free" female (familiar)
1145 The S-Man - Time 2 Stop (S-Mans Ruff Dub) (doubling)
1750 Romanthony - Everybody Dancing
2030 edwards world - soul roots (filter up version of the house music anthem)
2340 "love is in the air tonight" female/sax
2730 Mondo Grosso - Souffles H (King St. Club Mix) (doubling)
3250 Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation (Acapella)
3400 piano
Masters At Work
Side A
0000 Barbara Tucker - I Get Lifted
0830 Cajmere feat. Daja? - Brighter Days
1220 edwards world - soul roots (piano from house music anthem)
1650 sunday school - house is a feeling
2330 Masters At Work feat. India - I Can't Get No Sleep (Remix)
2650 Todd Terry - Jumpin'
3030 George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Acapella)
3330 Armand van Helden - Break Da 80's
3640 giselle jackson - love commandments beats
3900 The MD X-Spress - God Made Me Phunky
4100 95 north - hold on
Side B
0000 95 north - hold on (cont)
0130 Mondo Grosso - Souffles H (King St. Club Mix)
0600 black scienece orchestra - new jersey deep
1000 arnold jarvis - inspiration
1945 boogie balo - dont shut me out
2210 voices of freedom - voices
2510 The Bucketheads - The Bomb!
2910 shanice - i like
3130 Tribal Infusion - Sumba Lumba
3250 Loleatta Holloway - The Queen's Anthem (Acapella)
3620 Chuck Roberts - Can You Feel It (Acapella)
3825 Tribal Infusion - Sumba Lumba (S-Mans got you in a trance mix)
4400 Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation (Acapella)