big brother...

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Active member
Apr 8, 2006
When i used to work in the Trafford centre a fruitcake spat in my face..

How i did not push him of the upper floor over the barriers is beyond me.

Plus he had bad breath.:ba:

I don't know how you kept your cool there mate! it's disgusting & low!

mr ben

Active member
Mar 22, 2006
I don't know how you kept your cool there mate! it's disgusting & low!

It is the lowest of the low if you are the person doing it but i tell you what , when people say that they'd rather be punched than be spat at ????? i for one would rather be spat at than have my jaw broke lol anyone agree ????? :D


Active member
VIP Gold Member
Sep 13, 2007
that girl with paintin was proper milkin it lol i wouldnt b suprised if she still crying now, it was very funny i thought the whole fall out thingy was funny, that dale guy was funny tryin act bad sayin 2 tht rex tht he better leave haha n tht new guy was a nob 2 , id never go on bb but i do wish at certain times i was there 2 have my say :p i think the gay guy tht spat in tht guys face is a nob 2 , he should ave done a bitch slap if anythin & the reaction from mohamad after he got spat at was Hilarious :thumbsup: best thing ive ceen on bb tho for along time as bad as tht sounds
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li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
just typical of the scum they put on there:mad:
and if mario says anything else about health and safety and risk assessments..... well:mad: :mad:
Oh my god..... How annoying is Mario with his "I've assessed it and I think......" SHITTHEFUCKUPYOUFUCKWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No-one cares what risk assessment you've done you italian wannabe! :mad:
Luke to win for me as he's quite entertaining:thumbsup: :D
I think he is as well but his bitching and two faced behaviour makes me not want him to win. I'd like Kat or Mikey to win. Some of the things he comes out with are hilarious!!! hahahahahahaha :rofl: And I'm glad Jen is against Rex this week, I just hope she goes and gets knocked off her "I'm so amazing, everyone loves me" pertch! :)


Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Is BB still on???;)

I have been watching the amazing BBC1 drama "Criminal Justice" which is a five parter on Mon-Fri nights this week 9-10pm.

Total quality viewing, anyone else been watching? Well worth catching up on I player!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
I have been watching the amazing BBC1 drama "Criminal Justice" which is a five parter on Mon-Fri nights this week 9-10pm.

Total quality viewing, anyone else been watching? Well worth catching up on I player!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I was plannng on checking this out tonight! Loads of people at work have been banging on about it today
Had forgotten about i-player though, so cheers for the reminder :thumbsup:


New member
Apr 28, 2006
Oh my god..... How annoying is Mario with his "I've assessed it and I think......" SHITTHEFUCKUPYOUFUCKWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No-one cares what risk assessment you've done you italian wannabe! :mad:

I think he is as well but his bitching and two faced behaviour makes me not want him to win. I'd like Kat or Mikey to win. Some of the things he comes out with are hilarious!!! hahahahahahaha :rofl: And I'm glad Jen is against Rex this week, I just hope she goes and gets knocked off her "I'm so amazing, everyone loves me" pertch! :)


I don't like Mikey, I think he is weird......those jokes he was telling a couple of weeks back about blind people being the best lovers, well, lets just say I wasn't laughing, it was sick. I can't really put my finger on it but theres something not right about him!!!!

Rachel is alright, but she hasn't done enough for me to actually be rooting for her to win. Luke, I'm undecided, I think he would annoy me after a while. Mario and Lisa are just, sad.

There was an article in my magazine about how Jennifer isn't actually a single mum, and is married! Her partner says she has never been a model, and that she told him she was going on holiday for a thing he knows, shes on TV!!! I don't agree with her being on the inside and leaving her child as others have pointed out, and if shes a liar, well, that just makes everything even worse.

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I don't like Mikey, I think he is weird......those jokes he was telling a couple of weeks back about blind people being the best lovers, well, lets just say I wasn't laughing, it was sick. I can't really put my finger on it but theres something not right about him!!!!

Rachel is alright, but she hasn't done enough for me to actually be rooting for her to win. Luke, I'm undecided, I think he would annoy me after a while. Mario and Lisa are just, sad.

There was an article in my magazine about how Jennifer isn't actually a single mum, and is married! Her partner says she has never been a model, and that she told him she was going on holiday for a thing he knows, shes on TV!!! I don't agree with her being on the inside and leaving her child as others have pointed out, and if shes a liar, well, that just makes everything even worse.
Yeah, he is a bit eccentric! I agree, BUT..... he actually has seen the housemates for who they really are and has figured out the dynamics of the house, who the baddies are etc.... he's more switched on than you think!! I like that. He may be weird, but I suppose that makes me laugh so it's endearing! ;)

As for 'lady muck' Jennifer, I hope she goes on Friday instead of Rex, she's so shallow & self-centred it's unreal. If she doesn't then she will think the public love her and will just be even more delusional and even more of a nightmare to watch/live with. If she stays, it only means the public hate Rex more than her! lol. Everyone licks her arse and can't see it ('cept good ol' Mikey!) and it's ridiculous. I'd love to go in there and take her down a peg or two...... It's at times like this I'd love to go on and tell people what the nation actually thinks! hahahahahaha :D



Jan 21, 2005
Butty's pub :D
I don't like Mikey, I think he is weird......those jokes he was telling a couple of weeks back about blind people being the best lovers, well, lets just say I wasn't laughing, it was sick. I can't really put my finger on it but theres something not right about him!!!!

I agree, that was disgusting and proper cringe worthy! It made me sick! I don't like him at all. My boyfriend always does an impression of him and it's horrible!!!

I don't watch this much cos my boyfriend doesn't let me :cry: (unless Butty's round at ours) ;)

I like Luke and Bex. Luke's becoming a bit of a bi*ch but he's funny and reminds me of Butty lol Bex's voice is annoying but she's funny when she's arguing with Rex and dicking about with Luke.

I don't like Kat, her voice is so annoying and I don't like Mario and Lisa. Lisa is full of herself and Mario is just a knob!

Are you coming round tonight Butt so I can watch the eviction? lol

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