Do you have a Phobia

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Active member
Apr 20, 2003
My phobia is death ! :| I'm fckin shit scared of dying, this is mainly where my panic attacks come from. I think far too much about my death, how ill die, when, where etc , it drives me crazy at times :crazy: i also think ''shit, one day i wont be here'' its daft because i cant stop that, its inevitable i wont be here one day but my mind just thinks faaaar to much. :(

Im also pretty scared of flying mainly because i think it may crash and ill die lol see the pattern here. Also motorways im not keen on for the same reason , i think we might have a crash and ill die :crazy: the thought of leaving my daughter and not seeing her grow up scares me shitless. :( :cry:

Dont like spiders too but im getting better with them, its the HUGE ones that make me jump and run away haha but i dont mind smaller ones.


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
explain mrs ? zoo ? mates house? what the hell did you go near one for you daft loon :S

nope, was stupid enough to go on holiday in the fookers natural habitat lol ;)

was on some excursion and the guide said we were gonna stop at some place on the way back to see some parrots , snakes etc...
didnt mention anything about feckin tarantulas :mad:

I had near-enough a full on panic attack, streaming with tears, whirling around arms thrashing like a windmill on speed, shaking like a shitting dog, bellowing violence / death threats to the entire busfull of people we were with when they were trying to placate me :$ (very naughty but I was deliriously frightened) , the lot. Really made a prick of myself that day! :$ :cry:
Fooking idiot tour guides didnt even tell us it was there they just hid it behind their back and then threw it so it sprung onto some womans shoulder. Fortuantely that woman wasnt me else I'd have kicked off royal even more (or passed out in fright..)
but even being stood near it was enough. My mate John who I was on holiday with had to restrain me in some sort of bear-hug and he said he thought he'd end up having to slap my face to stop my hysteria :$ lol

basically, lol :$

tricky nicky

New member
Sep 18, 2006
in heaven of course!!
im no too keen on flying as ive had a couple of big scares whilst up in the big blue!!!:cry:
but im obbsessessed with air crash investigations:confused:
i watch them all, maybe deep inmy mind i think that if i came into trouble again i would be able to do summat????
highly unlikey i know


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
i dont really have one, theres stuff i dont like and go a bit funny at, mainly injections but not a phobia.

my mum has a phobia of spiders though, its wiered she just freezes on the spot if she spots one, as a kid i used to tease her a bit but now i realise its a bit more serious than just not liking them i feel a bit guilty :$ it must be awful really to have a phobia, i count myself lucky.


Apr 19, 2003
I don't have any myself but my Aunties boyfriend has a bad phobia of balloons!! Which is great cos hes a bad perv and he can never come to family parties incase there are I make sure there are loads for Uncle Knobhead lol..Happy Days..:thumbsup:

Same here- balloon phobia, not perverted behaviour.


New member
May 6, 2008
sunny newquay (ish)
My phobia is death ! :| I'm fckin shit scared of dying, this is mainly where my panic attacks come from. I think far too much about my death, how ill die, when, where etc , it drives me crazy at times :crazy: i also think ''shit, one day i wont be here'' its daft because i cant stop that, its inevitable i wont be here one day but my mind just thinks faaaar to much. :(

i used to feel the same until i got a job in hospital and used to sit with people whilst they died. i was totally terrified about it but i felt sorry for them on their own in hospital. and it wasnt until i saw people at the ACTUAL moment that i came to the conclusion that it wasn't as bad as i thought.
it actually got to the point when the other staff used to call for me to look after the ones closest to death (just in case). i also used to volunteer to make the deceased look nicer for when their relatives came to see them. crazy i know! but it seemed like the last thoughtful thing you could do for someone after you'd looked after them for a while.
all seems a bit morbid realy now i look back. but the point is that it wasa phobia i got over.... not that i'm suggesting you do the same saysay....

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
nearly strangled by one aged 5yrs when living in oz
enuf said! im totally phobic, petrified, struggle to even look at a picture of one, seriously need to shift it though, have heard EFT is really useful in clearing phobias n fears
anyone had it done?

i love shoes

i used to feel the same until i got a job in hospital and used to sit with people whilst they died. i was totally terrified about it but i felt sorry for them on their own in hospital. and it wasnt until i saw people at the ACTUAL moment that i came to the conclusion that it wasn't as bad as i thought.
it actually got to the point when the other staff used to call for me to look after the ones closest to death (just in case). i also used to volunteer to make the deceased look nicer for when their relatives came to see them. crazy i know! but it seemed like the last thoughtful thing you could do for someone after you'd looked after them for a while.
all seems a bit morbid realy now i look back. but the point is that it wasa phobia i got over.... not that i'm suggesting you do the same saysay....

Never been scared of dying myself just scared shitless of people i care about dying. Think the worst is actually for those left behind so i would probably only hate anything to happen to me cos i know it would affect my daughter for the rest of her life!

Im the same as you though Helen I spend far too much time on the aftercare side of things when i've lost someone but its always been healing for me to know they could never have got more. Killed myself twice now arranging every last detail and getting up speaking at funerals but stick at it cos its like their leaving party and everything has to be perfect.

I take great pleasure from knowing they are looking down and thinking nice one Ruth! though other people find it morbid and think its weird i think its giving a massive amount of respect at the final opportunity! Hope someone does it for me when my time comes :thumbsup:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I HATE injections. I had an operation in November and wasn't scared about anything else, just the injection. lol. I start crying every time, even at the dentist. Lol.

I don't have a fear of dying because it's going to happen, I just hope I go quietly.

Not so much a phobia, but when something fucks up regarding money, I always worry FAR too much. I know I do it and pull through but I just worry about spiralling into debt. I HATE to owe money. As soon as it reaches my hands, if I owe it out then it goes straight to the relevant person.



New member
Sep 14, 2007
Fooking idiot tour guides didnt even tell us it was there they just hid it behind their back and then threw it so it sprung onto some womans shoulder. Fortuantely that woman wasnt me else I'd have kicked off royal even more (or passed out in fright..) [/QUOTE]

:o :o :o :o :o WTF :confused: :naughty: :cops: They [I]threw[/I] it??? Fookin knobs! I think I would have freaked out like that too! I could cope with someone calmly pointing one out to me I'd be scared but I'd also have a stange compulsion to look at the same time, but if someone threw one any where near me I'd be furious :@ I'm not suprised you reacted like that, I'm suprised more people didn't. Hopefully your reaction taught them not to do that again.