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Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Dr Huxtables
Was just wondering if anyone on her enters competitions regularly or ever?

Have you ever won anything ?

An old boss of mine used to be a serial competition enter'er lol .. she won loads of stuff including a car and a cruise. She was into the tie break things :confused:

I dont really enter them much myself but i have won a bottle of perfume and a crate of chocolate in prize draws..
The best thing iv ever won was a holiday to Portugal a few years ago. I hadn't long been going out with Ste and got this phone call which we and everyone else thought was a blag / time share thing. It was lol but we only had to book flights which cost us £130 each.. and had a weeks free stay in a 5* hotel :D . Was without a doubt the best holiday of my life :love: .. And i told the rep guy we weren't interested on day 4 and that was that .

Anyway has anyone else been a winner on the lotto , competitions or anything else?


Active member
Jul 21, 2001
Louisiana formerly Middlesbrough
I entered the US Open (not saying which sport though as I want to kinda remain anonymous on the internet) and won my class. I am the United States Champion all though I'm British "round ye you inferior Americans" ha ha

I'm in competition all next week as well comes part and parcel of my career :)


Active member
Jul 21, 2001
Louisiana formerly Middlesbrough
Sorry Benny but my identity must remain hidden :thumbsup:

Maybe I'm really a quite famous celebrity like Paul Daniels. If my wife Debbie McGee finds out I spend too much time on forums instead of making rabbits disappear, she may leave me for Pat Sharp from Funhouse.

Or it could be that since I use this username everywhere I have made a few enemies and if I gave up what sport it is I could easily be tracked down to any location at any time including my place of business ha ha.

Boomshakalaka Smiley
My mum used to win lots of stuff all the time. She won tickets to see Ladyboys of Bangkok and it was the best show we've ever seen! Gunna get her to start entering more stuff when shes back home from hospital. The only thing iv ever won was tickets to see McFly and to meet Noel Fielding and Julian Barrett from the Mighty Boosh and get a free book signed by them :love:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I can't think of winning prizes but I do like to win at games and shiz.

Only thing I can think of (although I've got it on the brain at the mo) is getting a letter at the weekend from the criminal injury compensation people saying I'm getting £1000!! :) I suppose everything happens for a reason/silver linings and all that...



VIP Silver Member
Jan 22, 2006
St Helens
Must admit i enter a lot of competitions,,the only thing i won has been a cd wallet on radio2 last year on the ken bruce show,rang up at work and got through,scored 12 points with my oppenent gettin 26,she didnt win on the 3 in ten ,also won 250 quid on bingo in pontins,:)


VIP Silver Member
Nov 30, 2007
bootle liverpool
Ive entered a few... only really ever won things like free samples of stuff!!! oh and a bogus Med Cruise :(...the ( have to pay concessions n stuff)..
Did once win a goldfish at the fair...died after a day! :(


New member
Sep 20, 2009
new york

once won a trip to new york , hotel on broadway....the full shibang...5 was awsome...oh won it on real radio by the way....the comp was risk it for a biscuit...............get in there.
i never enter competitions (except the lottery!), i think ive only ever entered 2 and funnily enough won both of them!

i won a citronic mixer, out of DJmag in 92ish, got free tickets to the plasa show at earls court and went down to pick it up
the final question was one of those 'I want to win this mixer because!' questions
i put 'i can never seem to get my egg whites fluffy!!!' classic! ;)

also won a samsung yepp mp3 player, out of What HiFi mag (when mp3's were still 'underground', napster was brilliant back then! along with a 'dodgy BT unlimited' 56k internet connection and net vampire! lol! ohhh happy days!) it boasted a 'massive' 32mb internal memory and i bought a 32mb memory card (i think that cost me over £50!), but you could still only get like 60min of music on it!


Active member
Jul 21, 2001
Louisiana formerly Middlesbrough
I'm intrigued mate.. Anychance of a pm? I wont tell like ;)

Ok so I came 2nd in my class at a Major National Championship here in the USA this week, heres a clue as to what i actually do and some good photography skills If I do say so myself :)



New member
Sep 14, 2007
Ok so I came 2nd in my class at a Major National Championship here in the USA this week, heres a clue as to what i actually do and some good photography skills If I do say so myself :)


Hedge hopping? Lol! Only kidding! Sounds intruiging though :D

I enter any free competition that I come across but I haven't really won much tbh, aprt from tickets to Cream Fields but that was years ago before it changed venue to Warrington. I was drinking Smirnoff in Edison's a bar that's shut down now and everyone drinking Smirnoff got the chance to pick out a free prize and mine was the tickets.

My cousin once won a radio phone in and free tickets to a Pink concert, where she also got to meet her in person back stage. She needed a chaperone that was over 18 so she took me. She was really down to earth when we met her actually, glad I went :D