Official - Pills are shit - Newsbeat confirm it

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Active member
Apr 10, 2002
I haven't taken a pill for about 12 years but I keep an eye on the pillreports forums. It seems 95% of pills are adulterated crap but there is the occasional good batch out there (Blue facebookes / Green Stars / Pink Diamonds).

It also seems the decent ones cost a lot more than the fakes which is a good thing. If you pay 50p for something, what else can you expect?

I would consider having another go one day but would buy an MDMA testing kit before even considering taking one. :thumbsup:

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
To make ecstasy, illegal drug laboratories need a chemical PMK or oil known as safrole.
PMK has a legitimate use in industries like perfume manufacturing. In the past, drums of the chemical, made in China, would disappear from container ships and end up with criminal gangs.
Since 2004 law enforcement agencies in China have worked more closely with police in Europe to control the supply of that chemical.
There is some evidence labs have been switching to safrole, produced from the bark of what is now an endangered tree in South East Asia.
A series of raids by conservation authorities and government troops in Cambodia have recently targeted manufacturing sites there. A single raid in June 2009 destroyed 5.7 tones of the oil, enough to make 44 million ecstasy tablets.



Active member
Apr 20, 2006
Pink makes the boys wink....
To make ecstasy, illegal drug laboratories need a chemical PMK or oil known as safrole.
PMK has a legitimate use in industries like perfume manufacturing. In the past, drums of the chemical, made in China, would disappear from container ships and end up with criminal gangs.
Since 2004 law enforcement agencies in China have worked more closely with police in Europe to control the supply of that chemical.
There is some evidence labs have been switching to safrole, produced from the bark of what is now an endangered tree in South East Asia.
A series of raids by conservation authorities and government troops in Cambodia have recently targeted manufacturing sites there. A single raid in June 2009 destroyed 5.7 tones of the oil, enough to make 44 million ecstasy tablets.


This is quite interesting showing the markup per Kilo from start to finish... 30 quid to 50k !

Ecstasy by numbers

£30 = the amount growers are paid for each kilogram of essential oil extracted from the sassafras tree bark.
Chemical companies, often based in China, then convert the oil into piperonyl for legitimate uses such as pesticides and perfumes. The compound, however, is also the raw ingredient for ecstasy.

£65 = the amount paid for the piperonyl by fake companies pretending to want the chemical compound for legitimate purposes.

£1,000 rising to £4,000 per kilogram = the amount paid for the piperonyl by ecstasy factories, mostly in Benelux and Eastern Europe.
The ecstasy factories process the piperonyl with other chemicals to create 3-4-methyl- enedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) powder, which is then formed into tablets.

£20,000 to £40,000 per kilogram = the amount paid by dealers for ecstasy tablets (1kg of MDMA can create 10,000 pills).

£30,000 - £50,000 = the value of a kilogram of ecstasy tablets on the street - each pill is sold for £3-£5.