Ya could here the BOOM BOOM BOOM for outside which was faster than i remembered (then i clicked it was the hardcore booming lol )
First thing we did was go the loo and there were this girl who was rabbiting ,off her tree how she'd lost 2 stone in 10 mins and by the look on her face i could tell it was gonna be fun lol.. Down the two steps into the main room and Wooah i was just blown away.. Every fker and im not kidding ya was grinning ear to ear , nodding and generally chuffed to bits to be there, and it was pretty darn full by 9pm ish.
The tunes were amazing and there was a dead good mix of the old crew (fluffy leg boots ect.. ) and there were the young un's which were all buzzin and like minded.
I never thought in a million years they could capture what it was like when i used to go all them years ago and the best bit for me was goin with my ste
Aww was mint
Full credit to all involved putting the night on as they did an awesome job. And from hype already for July its gonna be top! If its half as good and i'll be made up.