just been sent this e-mail.......
If " in_and_out_it_goes @hotmail.com" adds you dont add it cause it is a virus tell every1 on your msn because if somebody on your list adds them u get the virus too.
my old fella is putting a new shower in n ive asked him to change 2 tiles in the shower to mirror tiles so i can have a shave in the shower, but he recons its lazy but i dont think it is, just prefer to shave in the shower, and its quicker !!!!
just got my FREE Sony Ericsson T610, was gonna upgrade last month but coz i couldnt afford it so i didnt, then they ring me and ask if i want a free upgrade.......doh yes plzzzzz :P :P
been playin need for speed underground on the cube and he's gone n wiped all wot ive done so far :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
got about 1/2 way throu n now ive gotta start again......... :'( :'( :'( :'(
just bin n picked my car u from garage, only bin in there 3 month n ive had to put up with a slow ass corsa, least it wasnt gone as long as last time !!!!
all because a woman didnt look right when turning :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
back by dope demand !!!!!!!!!
well wot can i say about prob 1 of the best nights ive eva had, apart from it was the best new years eve ive eva had, big thanks to all the ppl how put the effort into making it what is was, :pixie: :pixie: :party: :party: :drum: :drum: :fekked: :fekked:
just watched the A-TEAM on uk gold n it seems that nobody eva gets shot :o :o
if there supposed to be comando stylee guys there not very good with a shooter !!!!!!!!
cant wait till they bring the A-TEAM film out :p :p :p :p
stuck here till 5pm so ive logged on here to kill the boredom, cheers woody for ur password and i promise i wont do anything silly whilst im logged on as u ;) ;)