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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    The **ACTUAL** Dead big gold mix update!!!

    Now we have done a couple of trial runs we are ready to do it for real now :D lol B-Bod the ledge is going to give me a hand updating the gold mix bit/auto dj archive once a month Doing odd ones here and there is tedious as hell - its much easier to blast a batch off all at once sooooo at the...
  2. butty

    Back open for business!!

    You can now post your ID's in here again :thumbsup:
  3. butty

    ** Also try our sister site for your unknown ID's!! **

    We also have a seperate site dedicated to tuneID's which members of the forum visit plus a whole other bunch of anoraks, if you cant get the answer here or on there you have probably made it up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  4. butty

    storyville last night

    anyone watch it? was a documentary about a guy whos mate got murdered by his mrs and he made a film about it, as he was making the film everything went a bit mad. its on catch up and iplayer at the mo deffo worth a watch if ya into that sort of thang :thumbsup: BBC - BBC Four Programmes -...
  5. butty

    *** Gold Membership Sale!! ***

    Not wanting to follow the trend this year the January sale is in Feb :D You best get your skates on as the sale ends on March 1st @ 5.36pm :gigolo: You can now sign up to gold for the measly sum of 10 english quid coins Gold Members get ad's removed, webspace for there mixes, shed loads of...
  6. butty

    The dead big gold mix update...

    For those who want a mix in the gold bit (and on the radio) can you all pls send me your mixes by no later than 15th December pls. Those sent or posted after this time will have to wait for flamin ages till i get chance to do another dead big gold mix update... Those who have already posted in...
  7. butty

    hippy biffday..

    to sonz you old gimp :luv: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday2 :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :birthday:
  8. butty

    man on wire..

    did anyone watch that man on wire the other night Man on Wire (2008) if you aint seen it and u like docu soaps get on it, its about a dood who in the 70's managed to tightrope across the top of the twin towers lol. the guys mental and ace at the same time think its still on bbc iplayer and...
  9. butty

    street fighter IV

    out today YouTube - Street Fighter 4 E3 2008 Trailer geddit :wave:
  10. butty

    shop at asda?

    then buy thse: Asda crispy home style chips in fact even if u dont shop at asda go there and get some, there freaking swarve as 2 short planks :thumbsup:
  11. butty

    ace film...

    Fifty Dead Men Walking (2008) Its based on a true story about the IRA n a lad the british got to spy for em n stuff. Really good viewage highly recomended :thumbsup:
  12. butty


    has anyone else noticed since the councils n world has generally gone up in arms about recycling n stuff, kitchens seem to have gone downhill? ie our kitchen, it used to be a lovely place. n now its jus full of diffrent piles (not like the ones u get on ya bum). one pile of bottles, one pile of...
  13. butty

    working tax credits..

    for those who dont know loads of people can claim working tax credits but dont. ya can get 50 bullets a week for diddly squat. ya have to be over 25 and work at least 30 hours a week n ya only eligible when ya earning under a certain amount but its worth 5 minutes checking out this site to see...
  14. butty

    big brother...

    noones started a thread yet but i got no shame so sod it :D ive never wanted to jump in the tele and rip someones throat out before tonight but my god that alex bird has gotten on my gonads hope she goes out next week the evil bully :ba:
  15. butty

    OSA Gold Membership January Sale!

    In tune with keeping up with the rest of the country for the month of January we are having our very own January sale! Until midnight on the 31st Jan if you sign up to Gold Membership for a year you can do so for half the price, thats a mere 10 english quid coins. Gold Members get ad's...