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Welcome to Old Skool Anthems
The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    ** MY SMILIES - Add your own smilies to OSA! **

    Ive added a new plugin to the forum that will let you add your own smilies to the system to use in your posts. You can do this with images off your computer or link from other ones on the net. To add them to your profile look for the my smilies bit in your usercp or its listed on that...
  2. butty

    all the best

    all the best for the new year to one n all. hope 2007 is a good un for ya cheers!
  3. butty

    Timeless - Boxing Day Special feat SLIPMATT

    OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event!. Please reply to this post below to qualify for reduction
  4. butty

    ** Christmas theme/snow added to the forum **

    Its that time of the year when ya dust down the old placcy tree and spend hours trying to unravel the christmas lights and so thought its a good time to do the chrimble makeover for the forum this year. The bah humbug crew can still select the normal styles with the style chooser at the bottom...
  5. butty

    Evolution - Hacienda Classics @ The Music Box - Manchester

    OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event!. Please reply to this post below to qualify for reduction
  6. butty

    things youve learnt this weekend...

    ive learnt that nadia from big brother fame esque is in fact not a man nor a woman but has ancestrial history dating back to the popular windows true type font - verdana. who would have thought eh :fekked:
  7. butty

    old skool gameage! - settlers 2

    anyone remember this. think it used to be on the amiga n pc yeeears ago u built up a city n sent out ya dood with a little hammer up into the hills to find gold n iron n sheet anyways theyve jus brought out a 10th anniversary edition n made it look not 10 years old and u can also now play it...
  8. butty

    freaky dreamer

    jus seen a post by jonno then n it reminded me i had a mad dream the other night. i was round at yours jonno trying to fix yer broadband. and youd come back from somewhere with some wooden chairs for the living room. they were like a dark wood sort of affair with burgundy velour covers on.quite...
  9. butty


    jus got set up on there seeing as the rest of the world is and so feel free to add us or whatever ya do. all this new fangled technology eh, i cant keep up! :crazy:
  10. butty

    Evolution 'Hacienda Classics' feat ALLISTER WHITEHEAD

    OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event!. Please reply to this post below to qualify for reduction
  11. butty

    and just to complete the everyones winnin sh!t week!

    last night me n the coy master funk bagged 4 g'z on poker :D came first in a tourney with about 400 people in it. £2,202.08 for a 9 quid buy in. GET IN :moonie: :bj: :bj: :bj: :bj:
  12. butty


    apologies for the downtime last night n today. something went over quota somewhere n it blocked it automatically. couldnt get hold of the support heads as there was gremlins in there system. anyways back up now n soz! :D
  13. butty

    castles lol

    isnt it mad that them places have been around for light years and they did what castles are sposed to do back then and stuff. yet now there jus sat there and tourist places to go n visit n learn about what they used to do i sometimes look at them as tho there tourist attractions just made up to...
  14. butty

    A year on! - Gold Membership

    well its a year at the end of this month that i started the gold membership scheme. within that year ive managed to pretty much clear the debt the forum had clocked up the few years previous :D this time last year we were about £1200 down (altho the resident accountant the joker will be able to...
  15. butty

    Anthony Rock-XC

    Its 5 years ago this month that a member of OSA passed away, the forum had been going for just over a year id say and for those who wernt around then it was basically as it is now but on a smaller scale. We all went out on meetups/mash ups n stuff n as it was all new to us then it was a great...
  16. butty

    Timeless @ Club OHM - Manchester

    OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event!. Please reply to this post below to qualify for reduction
  17. butty

    3 wants for a mate..

    anyone got on vinyl Tribute To Asha (With So In love) on the flip - Discomagic Uk The Finest G An VJ Gonna Get The Boy (Pianoman Dancefloor Devastation Remix) Discomagic uk pm us pleeeeeeease
  18. butty

    Evolution - Hacienda Classics @ The Music Box - Manchester

    OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event!. Please reply to this post below to qualify for reduction
  19. butty

    vinyl wants only in this section from now on please!
  20. butty

    make your own animal up!

    im bored n so thought i would make my own animal up. just like blue peter you can join in at home too. anyways heres my animal Animal Name: Flidget Brief Description: Well its a cross between a flea n a midget Places you will find this species: Usually the flidget likes to dwell on the...