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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    happy birthday pixie

    happy birthday pixie! happy birthday darlin. hope ya have a great day and u get all ya asked for off the birthday present fairy type bird congratulations and jubilations :heart: :heart: :heart:
  2. butty

    Evolution @ The Music Box - Manchester - Saturday 13th August

    OSA'ers get in for £6, Just mention your from OSA when handing over your hard earned!! OSA Meetup Kru bigtruck claire b mister dj quey recca butty blue jammer manc lozzie vickles beaker lou lou
  3. butty

    Best Days Of Your 'LIFE' @ 51st State - Wigan - Sat 27th Aug

    If anyone would like tickets for this then jus wing me a pm ive got some and there a tenner each. Its gonna be a stormer just look at this line up!! saturday 27th august 05 @ 51st State / Wigan / Lancs 3 arenas/ 13 djs/ 1 live pa Arena One/ oldskool piano and rave classics K-Klass Djs...
  4. butty

    mint film,,,

    its called crash and its one of the best films ive seen in ages. highly recomended :thumbsup:
  5. butty

    dj's on the board from back int day

    im tyrin to get a list together of all the big name dj's/groups etc etc from back in the day we got in here can anyone think of others than these. if there as a aka on here then pm us instead with there board name if poss as they might not be wanting it publicly known which is furry muff. up to...
  6. butty

    recording a sample to a pc faq

    eh up. jus wonderd if anyone has seen on there travels or on past posts on the board a faq on how to rip a sample from tape etc to a pc. incl all the gubbins with the leads software n all that shiznit. or if anyone could put together one who is good at explainin stuff in a step by step...
  7. butty


    After last months episode with the wrong date at the music box this month the phoenix has decided to keep us on our toes and give us the wrong date for our next timeless event there. The new date is now 100% confirmed as Friday 22nd July. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. The night we are...
  8. butty


    two words..... wow f@ckin mint!! (oh thats 3 but sod it) for those who r going to the next couple. your in for a treat. the newer tunes didnt go down aswel as the classics imo but there was plenty of them busted out. respec to the concert kru quey bigtruck and coyle and good to meet beaker...
  9. butty

    FAO rick jones

    so then fella jus wondered how you enjoyed the blue concert..... lol :D
  10. butty

    happy birthday quey!

    a big big happy birthday to me partner in crime the q master swift have a good un mate. i know you will coz il b out with ya :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party: :birthday: :party...
  11. butty

    Evolution @ The Music Box - Manchester - Friday 15th July

    OSA'ers get in for £6!!! just say your from osa when your handing over your hard earned Meetup Kru butty recca quey blue jammer mister dj dreamgirl grover greyed woody mesh nics stee manc bigtruck and a few ladies from the office :hubba:
  12. butty

    Loopzilla - Walking On Sunshine / True Colour [mp3]

    Loopzilla - Walking On Sunshine / True Colour Label: Noise Records (2) Catalog#: N.N.R. 412R Format: 12" Country: UK Released: 1990 Genre: Electronic Style: House Notes: Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote) Rate It Tracklisting: A Walking On Sunshine AA True Colour (One For The Hac) anyone got...
  13. butty

    spare sound card anyone?

    anyone have a spare pci sound card? pref sound blaster thingie as there compatible with most things. got loads of pc parts i can swap for it like if anyone has. noice :thumbsup:
  14. butty

    FAO the tech heads in the hizouse..

    does anyone here have the facility to record summet off tele to a mpeg on the pc. think it needs someone with a tv card to do it. anyways if ya can gimee a shout. cheeeeeeeeeeeeers :condom: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  15. butty

    cd burnin forums?

    yo. im after finding out how to put copy protection onto audio cd's when burning em with a 7 cd tower thingie. so that after they been copied they canaee b copied again. i know it can b done but i aint got a ruddy clue how anyone know of any decent either tech forums or cd burnin forums or owt...