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  1. butty

    **DATE CHANGE** Evolution - Hacienda Classics @ The Music Box - June 05

    Unfortunately due to a mix up in dates for this event it is now confirmed as being on Friday 17th June. Apologies for the mix up, we had been given the wrong date by the club and they had double booked. could anyone who is coming please reply again to be added to the meetup list, thanks :)...
  2. butty

    top filmage

    its called unleashed - get it and watch it simple as that :thumbsup: got morgan freeman, bob hoskins and jet li in it read up aboot it here gets the butty norman seal of approval its one of the best films ive seen in a long long time :thumbsup...
  3. butty

    posts on topic

    erm can we please keep posts about events on topic to the events that the thread is actually on aboot can i also please remind promoters that we wont take no sheet on here anyone abusin the free service we provide on promotin events. be it unnessecary (?sp) post bumping, dissin of other nights...
  4. butty

    loopzilla - walking on sunshine / fools golds [mp3]

    one of me homies needs this on mp3 bad can anyone rip it for him pretty pls? Loopzilla - Walking On Sunshine / True Colour Label: Noise Records (2) Catalog#: N.N.R. 412R Format: 12" Country: UK Released: 1990 Genre: Electronic Style: House Notes: Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote) Rate It...
  5. butty

    after these for a mate [mp3]

    Twin Hype - Do it to the crowd Walking On Sunshine/Fools Gold (Its a mix with a fools gold sample) Young MC - Know How Young MC - Bust a move anyone have these on mp3 for a bud of mine shout me. ta :)
  6. butty

    problems this mornin loggin on

    some people had problems loggin on this mornin. not totally sure why but it was summet to do with the dns updating. people who were getting a account suspended page you was getting pointed at the old server. the addy that you got here with is jus a temp thingie till the dns updates for u. always...
  7. butty

    moving servers - downtime possible - IMPORTANT

    From tonight (wed) we will be moving servers again. We will be moving onto a much faster system. For the techies out there the new system is gonna be: Quad xeon processors 2.8ghz (yes that is 4 lol) 2 gig of ram 4x scsi hard drives in a raid array Now we have done the server moves before and...
  8. butty

    this saturday - sankeys anyone?

    bucky has kindly agreed to put our crew on the guesty this sat. so its freebies in. if anyone fancies it then pm ya full sunday name and il get the list together. anyone joinin me or am i going on me jack :D lol /edit - woohooo i got me sum friends :D buttys friend crew blue jammer sj...
  9. butty

    Evo & Hazy - Hacienda Classics - Fri 22nd April - Deets + Meetup List...

    including our very own dj rhythm (blue jammer), pauly p, jonno, greyed and the hazy crew :D say ur from osa at the door and get in for a fiver!!!! :dummy: lettuce know if ya going and il add ya to the meetup list :thumbsup: Meetup List Butty Blue Jammer Recca Quey Jonno Claire B...
  10. butty

    bobby langley or jon draper (ear to the ground)

    if anyone knows how i can contact any of these guys can ya pm me pls. cheers :)
  11. butty

    fao posts and cryptic posts

    can yas try and keep em to a minimum pls peeps instead of doing fao's could ya use the pm system instead if poss also posts that dont make no sense only to one person or a few peeps when posted in public could ya either elaborate a bit more its jus as ya can appreciate when other people read...
  12. butty

    too bigger sigs sort em out or get paddled!!!!! ;)
  13. butty

    vision classix easter weekender

    ok guys me and the rexstubble and the grimbo r on at this event, be there or be a strange form of oblong shape!!! - should be a wacky weekend :D heres the info..... --------------------------------------------------------------- DONT BE DISAPOINTED, GET THEM NOW WE HAVE LIMITED EASTER TO...
  14. butty

    lol do any of u ever do daft things like this or is it jus me....

    right i went to switch me monitor off jus now and i had open me bit torrent thingie that was downloadin summet. now it was bobblin about the 17.5k a sec mark sumtimes going up to 18 sumtimes to 15 etc. anyways i put me finger and pressed the monitor button and decided that i was gonna hold the...
  15. butty

    osa ten pin bowling championships, u gotta be in it to win it :)

    ok tommorow the first ever 'official' (lol) osa bowling championships will be taking place at xs superbowl on the east lancs in manc. everyone is welcome to come along and challenge for the highly acclaimed 'bowling master' title..... come and have a bowl if u think ur hard enough!! :D the...
  16. butty

    mint filmage..

    went to see that hotel rhwanda at the pics t'uther day and i highly recomend it :thumbsup: its a bit depressin its along the same lines as schindlers list so take sum tissues (at least then if u dont like the film guys u can flick one off ya wrist to pass the time :cops: lol )
  17. butty

    possibly the best concocsion ever??

    ok everyone this weekend here is a mission. right go out and get a tenner bottle of smirnoff vodka (the one thats less than a litre but more than a half bottle) and buy a chocolate orange and all (a normal one not one of them dark chocolate ones that ming) right and geta cheese grater. now...
  18. butty

    does anyone else??

    never usually bother with oranges because there to finnickey (is that a word?) and hard to get into to get at the goods? id class myself as one of them lazy arses normally. id usually head straight for the apple becuase its way easier to get a fruit fix from. oranges are time and effort peeling...
  19. butty

    happy birthday to r kid!

    happy birthday to me ickle sis manda who is the ripe old age of erm 20 something today :d (i forgot to get her a card because i didnt even know it was her birthday doh, so im kinda hopin that in some small way this makes up for it lol) anyways happy birfday r kid u old fecker :cops: :cops...
  20. butty

    new mods...

    weve added a couple of new mods to the forum for there help in various areas of the board lately - they have grafted there gonads off for us and dont deserve anything less firstly we got noel who pretty much single handedly created the tracklists section on his jack lol - respec! and then we...