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Welcome to Old Skool Anthems
The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty


    now with the success off the tracklist section and all the help that loads of people put in to contribute to that bit im thinkin with the resources the team and the mad for it ness of this place ive decided we may aswel put it to loads of use. so im thinkin why dont we get together the largest...
  2. butty

    For Track ID requests....

    For TuneID requests please post them over at our sister site the tracklists section on osa is only for complete or nearly complete tracklists from days gone by. Cheers :thumbsup:
  3. butty

    attention ebay sellers!

    check this post out and help us out. pleeeeeeeeeeeeease :D
  4. butty

    attention ebay sellers!

    we need you help! :D we would be massively greatful if on your ebay sales if you could put a link to osa if possible - as the people who look at your sells are the kinda people we be wanting on the forum. if you could put something along the lines of if your into your old skool check out...
  5. butty

    pcp 2 - that whitney tune [mp3]

    anyone got that they could send us?
  6. butty


    have u ever been like half asleep and half awake thought u was sumwhere else an done summet in ya sleep? this mornin i was dozin and i thought i was in me bathroom. and i went to spit into the sink. just as the greb left me mouth reality hit home and i realised i wasnt in me bathroom it was a...
  7. butty

    fairy liquid - floral flavour...

    dont buy it it smells like parma violets!! :hurl: oh also that oxiclean stuff that is sposed to clean erm anything. erm dont buy that either as it smells like cum!! :hurl: :hurl: erm not that i go sniffin me own cum like its what ive been told :$ lol :S does anyone else know of any...
  8. butty

    forum downtime....

    sorry or the forum downtime last night and the slowness ya might get every now n again. this is due to us moving the tune id archive over to the tune id forum. it has been more problematic than a problemage pebble on national practical joke day... the archiive is 30,000 posts with over 11,000...
  9. butty

    web designer anorak dood needed pls!! :)

    i need someone to help us out making us a new vinyl saecrh box for up there^^ i now have the code for 3 diff online vinyl stores - gemm, netsounds and music stack and so i wanna put them all in a nice snazzy box thats gonna be easy to use and east to understand like. it can be a little bit...
  10. butty

    when is....

    the usual date that people r sposed to take there chrimbo decorations down? jus thinkin when to take the osa chrimbo decorations aka style down and pack it away till next year :D
  11. butty

    i did it....

    its took nearly 4 years and loads of typing lol but ive done it. 10,000 pm's in my pm inbox now thats what ya call a lotta typeage :thumbsup:
  12. butty

    OSA Membership - private member only parties - coming soon...

    from next year we will be sorting out a membership system for osa'ers and there mates etc. when your a member you will benefit from loads of things including reduced entry into some of the biggest clubs in the country, access to special member only parties, competitions, free mixes and bags of...
  13. butty

    chrimbo style

    as you will probably have seen (or will soon see) i have added a chrimbo style to the board for over the festive season to get us all in a jolly spirit lol there is bits that are missin ie the google ad's and vinyl search box but its only for a few weeks so will leave em off. a few bits might...
  14. butty

    dj times and meetup list for this fri @ legacy

    okey dokey heres the dj times for this friday @ legacy orr jear erm 9.00-9.30 butty 9.30-10.15 cano 10.15-11.00 sully 11.00-11.45 dannst 11.45-12.30 ste h 12.30-1.15 butty n recca (back to back) 1.15-2 mart n grover (back to back) and this is whos comin to join in the chirmbo festivities. if...
  15. butty

    dead good words that must be said in your day today post

    jus talkin to dannst now on msn and i said a word that both excites me invigorates me and stimulates my mind :gigolo: that word will be 'uncooth' and my challenge for u all today is to try and fit it into your conversation with a random at some point. i want to hear stories of your...
  16. butty

    u aint gonna believe this....

    lol there is deffo a conspiracy theory going down somewhere. unfortunately i jus been informed that there is problems at the club in oldham for fridays osa doo. as a result we wont be able to have the 2 rooms open. as a result im going to have to cancel the osa bash that the dj competition was...
  17. butty

    vision classix new year @ philips park hall cheap tickets for osa'ers..

    ive got hold of a few ultra cheap tickets for this event if anyone wants. its a offer especially for osa members who have regged before the date of this post. i can get em yas for 20 buff each. if any of yas want any pm me quick as there bound to go like hot cakes on a real hot day
  18. butty

    the osa xmas doo. for the 3rd and final time its on lol

    ok friday 17th december @ club cobra in oldham. 2 rooms of madness. the anthemers downstairs the unanthemers upstairs. itl b 9pm till 2am. £6 in. the dj's playin will be the ones from THAT competition ages ago lol this is a deffo now guys unless summet mad happens like the world blows up which...
  19. butty

    next mondays tune...

    lol jus thought id beat yas too it :D roxanne shante - live on stage. how mint is this tune! jus been tryin to attemptedly scratch my back out to it. so thought id heed the nippsters advice and start up with summet slower. im still crap like but a bit lesser crap than i was before. sorted. il...
  20. butty

    lol im losin it....

    right whenever i ring someone on a orange mobile u know when it goes to there answer phone and the woman starts babblin who sounds like jill dando (obviously it cant b her like coz shes dead but thats a voicealike if ive ever heard one) well anyways she goes 'welcome to the orange answer phone'...