Anthony Rock-XC

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
Its 5 years ago this month that a member of OSA passed away, the forum had been going for just over a year id say and for those who wernt around then it was basically as it is now but on a smaller scale.

We all went out on meetups/mash ups n stuff n as it was all new to us then it was a great time. Never before had i personally met so many new people and was going out clubbing with em, before then it was jus a few mates who you knew but the forum opened it all up and it was mint as hell.

Anthony was a member n a mod on the board right from pretty much the word go, the guy never had a bad word to say about anyone n he had a heart of gold. Loads knew him from what then was ICQ and just like his name he was like a rock in the OSA foundations.

He unfortunately passed away due to a accident at work, he had an allergy to the anaesthetic they gave him at hospital and he died. He was just about to turn 30.

It was a sad time for the board and his fellow members and im sure im not alone in saying that. It brought us all together big time, its at times like that that ya realise how close ya actually are to just some 'randoms' off tinternet.

We had a meetup at a good times the month after, a set was played with some of his favourite tunes and we all got the champers out n raised a toast to a fellow old skool warrior. It was fitting and still gives me a lump in my throat when i think about it now.

We had a thread that everyone replied to and we set it up on a page and also printed it out and they were given to his family. I had this page that is still up now linked from the bottom of OSA. With updating so much over the years the link off the main page fallen by the way side. The page was still there and ive now added the link again. If anyone sees it dissapear again then shout at me to sort it!

So 5 years on id like to be the first one to say Ant. Reespect dood and im sure your looking down n smiling from that big place in the sky :thumbsup:

Ive spoke to anthony's sister and im gonna point her in the direction of this thread, any of the old crew if u could point other old old skool anthemz heads in the direction of this post for us, would love to hear any memories yas may have of the rock

The page where the replies from members were is here

And il update it soon with any additions from this thread :thumbsup:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
wow, that was a realy powerful and moving tribute,

I never met Ant and to be honest this is the first i knew about him, but im glad he was with the board from the start and he set it good stead for all us newcomers over the years:D

rest in peace ant:thumbsup:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Even sirius, with my heart of stone, was moved then butty.

Its so tragic how fickle life can be sometimes, and always seems to take away the good people before thier time :(.

Must still be hard for his family, as I dont think you can ever get over such a loss.


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Brought tears to my eyes did that :(

Hope your doin well Anthony up there in the great big nightclub in the sky :love:

Look after my mum anthony and ill ask her to do the same ;) she likes a brandy m8 but dont encourage her ;)

Things like this make you realise just how short life really is :( be happy!!! live every day like its your last :thumbsup:

Peace be with you anthony - maybe ill meet you one day:thumbsup:I can only hope so :love:
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New member
Sep 14, 2005
shame I didnt know the geezer sound like he was a top peep :thumbsup:

really moving tribute Butty :D

RIP Anthony Fella:D


New member
Dec 22, 2005
near a tip
dunno whether i should post in here or not cause don't know anything about him really....

.....sounds like a top bloke and obviously loved and missed by many, my sincere best wishes go to his family and friends, eventhough it is 5 years on, nobody heals when such a tragedy happens.

rip ant :)

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
thought id post summat cos of this thread . . and i was that person that played the set spec for him , when we all did the meetup for him at GT ( didnt realise it had been 5 yrs since :( god how time flys eh ) . . .

Was lucky enough to get to meet him on a few occasions , was a top geezer from what i knew of him . . . still got pics from GT with him on em . . . . dont think hell ever be forgotten on ere by the few that knew him . . .

r.i.p rock fella . . . . :)


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
It was really sad and touching to read the tribute(s) and it's good to know that OSA is an online community of friends - and in general, good people:king: :thumbsup:

He seemed like the kind of person that I respect the most:thumbsup: and the kind of person I try to be and it's a real shame he isn't still around:(


New member
May 6, 2006
I was not a member on here when Anthony was.

He sounds like he was a great person and he is obviously very sadly missed by not only his family but his friends too.:(

Its a shame that such a tragic accident robbed someone of their life so young:( but I am sure he would be very touched to know that he is still remembered with such fondness by the people whos lives he touched.

rest in peace :D


Active member
Sep 9, 2002
Was Manchestoh, Now Yorkshire
One of the first things I read on this site when I registered back in 2002 was the moving tributes to Anthony. It showed the depth of feeling and respect that members had for each other, and being a member for over 4 years now you come to realise that its a community of friends, and you get drawn in. Difficult to explain to people who arent members of message boards.

RIP Anthony, never met you fella but you were obviously a top geezer:thumbsup:


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
I was at that GT night but I didnt know you then Beee... I knew Mr. Fisher, Mik & TP but then I hadnt had the pleasure of meeting you guys so never got to meet him....

After everything good that I have heard about him tho it seems to me that he would have been a proper treasure and a right good memeber of the gang!

RIP Anthony...

S-J x :love:

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