Anthony Rock-XC

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Active member
Apr 20, 2003
One of the first things I read on this site when I registered back in 2002 was the moving tributes to Anthony. It showed the depth of feeling and respect that members had for each other, and being a member for over 4 years now you come to realise that its a community of friends, and you get drawn in. Difficult to explain to people who arent members of message boards.

RIP Anthony, never met you fella but you were obviously a top geezer:thumbsup:

My thoughts exactly. :thumbsup:

He sounded like a genuinly nice person who was thought of fondley and is now sadly missed.

RIP Anthony.


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
RIP Ant. :love: :love: :love:

Thank you for being such a good mate and for generally being such a top bloke. You could never go far enough to help people and were always there with a sensible view on things when the rest of us got a "bit feisty"!! ;)

They say everything happens for a reason but this is one thing that none of us could ever make sense of. You'd only broken your leg falling off one of the big sewerage pipes you worked on - if the outcome had been different, we would have just pointed and laughed at you and you would have laughed along with us. How could it have gone so wrong? :cry:

You're still missed and still in our hearts babe. I hope you're still looking down on us and that you're in a better place. Take good care of yourself mate.

Loadsa love,
Amy xxxxxx :love: :love: :love: :moonie:

joanne holmes

New member
Oct 18, 2006
remembering my brother 5 years on by Joanne holmes his sister

Hi my name is Joanne Holmes and i am not sure if some off you are aware off who i am , i am Anthonys sister and i felt i wanted to say some words about some one who was so speacial and from reading these threads it seems he was speacial to a lot off people on here too . after five years i still miss him terribley i always will. we wasnt friends when he died so that makes it harder, but it doesnt mean you dont care just because you fall out. we was once really close, i couldnt have wished for a better brother. he always made me laugh he was so funny, i remember going halloweening with him as kids, with the white sheet over us, my sheet set alight he doesnt tell me im on fire, what was he doing, and anthony and lee my other brother using me has the guy on guy forkes night, was probably anthony idea, he was always there when i hurt myself, when i fell and split my head open he was there lol he said your fine, fine blood was pouring out lol i remember the happy christmasses we had the snow ball fights he loved putting them down my back , he always made me laugh, that was anthony and he was always happy to help any one. i looked up to him so when he pulled the wallpaper off the bedroom wall, i thought it was a good idea to do it too. i miss him everyday and not just tommorow his death aniverssary, i could go on but what i really want to say is i miss him and love him and couldnt have wished for a better brother, i would like to thank everyone for there kind words there very touching and also my mum and dad would like to thank everyone for there words it helps thank you its a comfort at such a hard time would like to say , im glad most off you on here got the chance to know him either through chatting or meeting him he was that type off person who though it chatting could connect with people on all levels young old , thats what i always liked about him his passion to commumicate with anyone big , big thank you to you all , ALL OUR LOVE JOANNE AND FAMILY XXXX

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
All our love to you and yours Joanne at this difficult time - my thoughts are with you as im sure are everyones elses :love:

Thank you for taking the time to come and post to us all on here - that means a lot:thumbsup:


New member
Oct 18, 2006
Ant mate , even though your not with us your still a top bloke, rest in peace bud

hard to believe its been 5 years ........


betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
the rock

i was 2 at the goodtimes event, for ant, i didnt know ant but was just gettin to know the madchester lot, and i felt their pain, it was a very good set i can remember "in spirit" bein played- my thoughts are with his m8s on osa and his family...may he rest in peace knowin that his mates are keeping his memory alive

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