did anyone get got this year or get anyone else? i have never been up before dinner before on april 1st so i thought id make the most of it
i got...
bigtruck who i told the most haunted proggy was coming to my pub to film a episode as its apparently haunted as f@ck. lol
i told recca that my dog remmy had had puppies
i told my mum i met cliff richards last night and he was sonyas step dads tennis partner. lol
told me mate coyle that the brewery was takin the pub back off us
i told claire b that timeless was cancelled
i told ian i had a fight last night with sonyas step dad and got arrested
i told jen i had joined the gym lol
quey got told im gonna be a dad
told me sister that i won 2 tickets on a tombola last night to go n see tom jones in concert in cardiff, backstage passes the lot
told me mate michelle that the brewery were demolishin the pub to make way for a 18 hole golf course lol
i told me mate sally that they was changin the name of me pub from the brown cow to the 'white lamb' lol
and i told dannster i had to shut osa within a week coz the government was on to me
lol and every single one of em fell for it, i couldnt have em further out i mean me joining a gym!!
i got...
bigtruck who i told the most haunted proggy was coming to my pub to film a episode as its apparently haunted as f@ck. lol
i told recca that my dog remmy had had puppies

i told my mum i met cliff richards last night and he was sonyas step dads tennis partner. lol
told me mate coyle that the brewery was takin the pub back off us
i told claire b that timeless was cancelled
i told ian i had a fight last night with sonyas step dad and got arrested
i told jen i had joined the gym lol
quey got told im gonna be a dad

told me sister that i won 2 tickets on a tombola last night to go n see tom jones in concert in cardiff, backstage passes the lot

told me mate michelle that the brewery were demolishin the pub to make way for a 18 hole golf course lol
i told me mate sally that they was changin the name of me pub from the brown cow to the 'white lamb' lol
and i told dannster i had to shut osa within a week coz the government was on to me
lol and every single one of em fell for it, i couldnt have em further out i mean me joining a gym!!