april fools lol

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
did anyone get got this year or get anyone else? i have never been up before dinner before on april 1st so i thought id make the most of it

i got...

bigtruck who i told the most haunted proggy was coming to my pub to film a episode as its apparently haunted as f@ck. lol

i told recca that my dog remmy had had puppies :crazy:

i told my mum i met cliff richards last night and he was sonyas step dads tennis partner. lol

told me mate coyle that the brewery was takin the pub back off us

i told claire b that timeless was cancelled

i told ian i had a fight last night with sonyas step dad and got arrested

i told jen i had joined the gym lol

quey got told im gonna be a dad :dummy:

told me sister that i won 2 tickets on a tombola last night to go n see tom jones in concert in cardiff, backstage passes the lot :fekked:

told me mate michelle that the brewery were demolishin the pub to make way for a 18 hole golf course lol

i told me mate sally that they was changin the name of me pub from the brown cow to the 'white lamb' lol

and i told dannster i had to shut osa within a week coz the government was on to me

lol and every single one of em fell for it, i couldnt have em further out i mean me joining a gym!! :weakest:


New member
Feb 2, 2005
pissed off
butty said:
did anyone get got this year or get anyone else? i have never been up before dinner before on april 1st so i thought id make the most of it

i got...

bigtruck who i told the most haunted proggy was coming to my pub to film a episode as its apparently haunted as f@ck. lol

i told recca that my dog remmy had had puppies :crazy:

i told my mum i met cliff richards last night and he was sonyas step dads tennis partner. lol

told me mate coyle that the brewery was takin the pub back off us

i told claire b that timeless was cancelled

i told ian i had a fight last night with sonyas step dad and got arrested

i told jen i had joined the gym lol

quey got told im gonna be a dad :dummy:

told me sister that i won 2 tickets on a tombola last night to go n see tom jones in concert in cardiff, backstage passes the lot :fekked:

told me mate michelle that the brewery were demolishin the pub to make way for a 18 hole golf course lol

i told me mate sally that they was changin the name of me pub from the brown cow to the 'white lamb' lol

and i told dannster i had to shut osa within a week coz the government was on to me

lol and every single one of em fell for it, i couldnt have em further out i mean me joining a gym!! :weakest:

looooooool nice 1 :condom: :condom: :thumbsup:


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
Dannster told me he was moving into a house on my street cos a bomb had gone off in his apartment and it was now structurally unsafe!!!!

It was 5 mins into the phone conversation before i worked out he was messin, when i say worked out i really mean he told me!!!:D


New member
Jul 15, 2001
butty said:
did anyone get got this year or get anyone else? i have never been up before dinner before on april 1st so i thought id make the most of it

i got...

bigtruck who i told the most haunted proggy was coming to my pub to film a episode as its apparently haunted as f@ck. lol

i told recca that my dog remmy had had puppies :crazy:

i told my mum i met cliff richards last night and he was sonyas step dads tennis partner. lol

told me mate coyle that the brewery was takin the pub back off us

i told claire b that timeless was cancelled

i told ian i had a fight last night with sonyas step dad and got arrested

i told jen i had joined the gym lol

quey got told im gonna be a dad :dummy:

told me sister that i won 2 tickets on a tombola last night to go n see tom jones in concert in cardiff, backstage passes the lot :fekked:

told me mate michelle that the brewery were demolishin the pub to make way for a 18 hole golf course lol

i told me mate sally that they was changin the name of me pub from the brown cow to the 'white lamb' lol

and i told dannster i had to shut osa within a week coz the government was on to me

lol and every single one of em fell for it, i couldnt have em further out i mean me joining a gym!! :weakest:

Bloody hell you must of been up at the crack of dawn (ew-err!) to get all that lot in by 12! Iwas only just rolling outta the sack at that time. Jonno got me by pretending the gas board were on the phone trying to speak to me and trying to cut us off for none-payment when we pay by DD. The wanker. Would hate to have your mobi bill an all.

Its Amelie btw:)


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
:eyebrow: :eyebrow: Yep and what did you tell him to do Butty??? Pass it on.... Its the 1st of April....

So after you got him stiched up yesterday well Super B, you well and truly set Danst off on his clown course of lets try & wind up everybody that I know... *Chortle*....*Chortle*.... ;)

Oh dear between you two I think you managed to wind us all up yesterday you bunch of Beeeeeeps...

Oh well The joke was nearly on Danst when my mum nearly took my phone of me to tell him off ;) for being naughty!! Now that would have been a proper April fool Danst!! lol

C**ts!! :p

S-J x :love:


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
I went on a Roll after butty got me. I immediately told him i couldn't make Timeless later on that night which he fell for lol then i got shabbs, SJ, Our Kid,

Told the MD at work I was handing my notice I was moving to Ireland to live with my relatives and start a career making pottery and ceramics for the local community.

Told me other boss that there had been a fire in the datacentre in Manchester and we had lost all 3 of our websites and all the data. lololol

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
i was nearly in tears after a fone conversation i had with quey that mornin. I had rung him to ask him somet and then i proceeded to start talkin about timeless blah blah blah, when i asked "are you excited?" meanin about timeless.

To which he replyed, "i'm speechless, i've just woken up and got this text, i dont know what to say. I'm on the floor, oh my god. i'm gona ring him now"

So, at first I was like what the f@ck is he goin on about? the it clicked and i was just in hysterics!! I had to ring butty straight away for a reet ol chuckle and let him know that the q master swift had well and truely been fooled..... hilarious!!!!



Staff member
VIP Gold Member
dannster said:
I went on a Roll after butty got me. I immediately told him i couldn't make Timeless later on that night which he fell for lol then i got shabbs, SJ, Our Kid,

Told the MD at work I was handing my notice I was moving to Ireland to live with my relatives and start a career making pottery and ceramics for the local community.

Told me other boss that there had been a fire in the datacentre in Manchester and we had lost all 3 of our websites and all the data. lololol

Ive already told you once about "The boy who cried wolf" Panst.... :eyebrow: You know what happend to him dont cha??

Yep... He got chomped on..... Crunch, Crunch :p

S-J x :love:


New member
Jan 2, 2003
I produced some police letterheaded paper and sent a letter to my mate who has just sold his car saying this.....

Incident date and location: Salop St, Bolton. 22/03/05 23:55pm
Incident reference number: K753/L/12/O
Assigned to: ASBO Unit

For the attention of Mr Mark Grundy

Dear Mr Grundy,
It has been brought to our attention that your vehicle, registration P13 YMK has been identified circulating the streets of Salop Street, Shiffnall Street, Breightmet Street and Carlton Street in Bolton Town Centre on numerous occasions during the last week.

No less than ten incidents have now been reported by concerned members of the public and you have been identified by undercover officers on 3 occasions talking to women at the side of the road. The latest incident being on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 at 23:55pm where you were captured on CCTV monitoring by our officers.

You will shortly be receiving a fine for the sum of £500. Payment must be made immediately or a warrant for your arrest will be issued.

This type of behaviour is known as kerb crawling and under the Sexual Offences Act 1985 it is an offence for a man to kerb crawl or to persistently solicit a woman for prostitution.

Greater Manchester Police will not tolerate anti-social behaviour of this nature and it is now our duty to inform you that you and your vehicle are now part of a new anti-social behavioural watch scheme in this area.

If you are seen in this area between the hours of 7pm and 9am any day of the week, you will be issued within an on the spot fine of £1500 and should you be in your vehicle it will be impounded.

Sgt. Joesph King
Anti-Social Behaviour Unit
K Division. GMP – Bolton
Tel: 0161 447 5534

he nearly went to cop shop as well... but i intercepted.

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