april fools lol

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Mar 18, 2004
rickyp said:
I produced some police letterheaded paper and sent a letter to my mate who has just sold his car saying this.....

Incident date and location: Salop St, Bolton. 22/03/05 23:55pm
Incident reference number: K753/L/12/O
Assigned to: ASBO Unit

For the attention of Mr Mark Grundy

Dear Mr Grundy,
It has been brought to our attention that your vehicle, registration P13 YMK has been identified circulating the streets of Salop Street, Shiffnall Street, Breightmet Street and Carlton Street in Bolton Town Centre on numerous occasions during the last week.

No less than ten incidents have now been reported by concerned members of the public and you have been identified by undercover officers on 3 occasions talking to women at the side of the road. The latest incident being on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 at 23:55pm where you were captured on CCTV monitoring by our officers.

You will shortly be receiving a fine for the sum of £500. Payment must be made immediately or a warrant for your arrest will be issued.

This type of behaviour is known as kerb crawling and under the Sexual Offences Act 1985 it is an offence for a man to kerb crawl or to persistently solicit a woman for prostitution.

Greater Manchester Police will not tolerate anti-social behaviour of this nature and it is now our duty to inform you that you and your vehicle are now part of a new anti-social behavioural watch scheme in this area.

If you are seen in this area between the hours of 7pm and 9am any day of the week, you will be issued within an on the spot fine of £1500 and should you be in your vehicle it will be impounded.

Sgt. Joesph King
Anti-Social Behaviour Unit
K Division. GMP – Bolton
Tel: 0161 447 5534

he nearly went to cop shop as well... but i intercepted.
Thats class, ;) what happened next when u gave it him??

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