Bloody idiot!

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New member
Mar 28, 2004
I got 3 tunes in the post today off a guy on ebay. For a start they wernt even in a cardboard sleeve, he'd wrapped em in bubble wrap and brown paper. but there was a gap in the bubble wrap, and the idiot has sellotaped the bubble wrap across this gap so the tape had stuck to the lable of the tune. So of course the lable has now ripped :mad:
Its only a little bit thats come off but still :condom:

Also, is it normal to pay £2.50 postage per tune, for him then to send em together which only cost him £1.77 ??? :confused:


Presuming Ed

Active member
Thats bad news Loulou, sellers should take care not to get tape or glue or whatever on the labels or sleeves,as of course, you have experienced it causes damage which is a pain. regarding the postage thing, you do get the odd seller that trys to charge full price for all the tunes bought (if you buy multiples). In these cases, I email the seller and ask them to send an invoice with the discounted rate for the additional 12"s, which invariably they will, as its standard procedure in the record selling game to offer a postage discount for additional purchases. As an example, I charge 2.30 (recorded) for the first and 70p each additional, which I feel is very fair. He/she has certainly tried it on here. I suggest emailing the guy and pushing for a refund of some kind. Ed


New member
Mar 28, 2004
well he gave 25p dicount ( whoopy doo :| ) per additional tune, but the thing is, for some reason, it only deducted it for one tune, so in other words ive paid £2.50 for 2 tunes and £2.25 for the other, so i was gonna mail him bout that anyway.
Steep i know!! so you rekon i shud ask him to reduce the price of postage, see what he says, or suggest a price?? :|


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Not Here
gutted for you:( ,check on the ebay listing about sellers postage charges etc as most do reduced rates for extra records,some will always take the piss(ive had records wrapped in newpaper before).as for taping over the label its not just and shame the seller on here.a sticky of folk not to buy off would be a good idea:cool:
hope this hasnt put you off buying more records you have many more to buy ;)phones: phones:
time to get on the radio now u have some tunes :D


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Name and shame lou-lou:mad:

You could have bought from America at those postage costs and probably saved a bit on the vinyl too:|

Presuming Ed

Active member
well he gave 25p dicount ( whoopy doo :| ) per additional tune, but the thing is, for some reason, it only deducted it for one tune, so in other words ive paid £2.50 for 2 tunes and £2.25 for the other, so i was gonna mail him bout that anyway.
Steep i know!! so you rekon i shud ask him to reduce the price of postage, see what he says, or suggest a price?? :|

In my opinion Lou lou, any more than a third of the cost of postage for the first record, for additional ones is excessive. Some sellers offer shipping on additional records for 50p which is very reasonable, but in most cases more than covers their costs. i would certainly email him and push for a refund of at least £2. Hope you get it sorted. Ed


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
I got 3 tunes in the post today off a guy on ebay. For a start they wernt even in a cardboard sleeve, he'd wrapped em in bubble wrap and brown paper. but there was a gap in the bubble wrap, and the idiot has sellotaped the bubble wrap across this gap so the tape had stuck to the lable of the tune. So of course the lable has now ripped :mad:
Its only a little bit thats come off but still :condom:

Also, is it normal to pay £2.50 postage per tune, for him then to send em together which only cost him £1.77 ??? :confused:


i have had a tune sent in a carrier bag before now and the cheeky swine charged 3.50 for the pleasure ! so i know how bloody frustrating it is ! thankfully the polite email worked and i got a small refund . just let him know that if he / she isnt willing to sort some refund out that you will be forced to leave feedback letting other buyers know , if he /she is a reg seller im sure they wont want bad feedback , hope you get it sorted :thumbsup:


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Cheers guys, will email em soon and let you know what they said.

U'd think them bein a collector they'd take a bit of pride in their tunes :naughty:

Typical aye, first set of tunes ive bought too :rolleyes: but no sy, dont think i will be put off ;)


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Lou the fact that you have paid all that money and they couldnt even be bothered to package the tunes properly means that they have skanked ya big time.

Try get a discount or refund love. Did you get these tunes pretty cheap too cause some sellers rip you off on postage to make that extra bit ya see.

Good luck though hun


Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
here is the reply that i got from this wonderful seller

I think you'll find that many buyers have come back and bought from me time and again, so obviously they're not really that bothered about the postage costs. And to be honest, it's quite sad that you have nothing better to do with your time than send me messages about my postage costs! No one's making you buy from me are they? No. So what makes you think i care for your opinions? Because i really don't!
How's about you get a hobby to fill your time!!

he he, I wasn't even rude to him when i mailed him :D


Active member
VIP Gold Member
Aug 3, 2006
newton heath
here is the reply that i got from this wonderful seller

I think you'll find that many buyers have come back and bought from me time and again, so obviously they're not really that bothered about the postage costs. And to be honest, it's quite sad that you have nothing better to do with your time than send me messages about my postage costs! No one's making you buy from me are they? No. So what makes you think i care for your opinions? Because i really don't!
How's about you get a hobby to fill your time!!

he he, I wasn't even rude to him when i mailed him :D

i think you need a good hobby as well, all that italo must be drivin u mad, u need a way to relaz. i think you'd like Golf Dan, no italian house in the club house, it would b good for u