it wudnt b a java based one bro id go for a flash one that wud b fully integrated into the board. ie only members of the board could go in and ur logged in. full moddin bizniss and logs and all that jazz.
only reason i suggested was coz the shouts box shud jus be for shouts and it seems to be gettin used as a chat room which aint what its designed for so thought if thats whats needed then could add a proper one for that. hopefully it aint tho and then erm. i wont :d
only reason i suggested was coz the shouts box shud jus be for shouts and it seems to be gettin used as a chat room which aint what its designed for so thought if thats whats needed then could add a proper one for that. hopefully it aint tho and then erm. i wont :d
blue jammer said:Hmmm
I think the current Radio Shouts is top, so another chat applet would be naff as fook like.
I hate java applets, you'd be better getting a channel setup on irc if you wanted a proper realtime chatroom, where you can appoint mods that can kick and ban people properly, but again, its gonna mean moderating it.
There's been no problems (I've not seen) with the current Radio shouts bit, and I'm happy as chuff using that when its there, so I'd say a big fat hairy no to another chat thing.
As it is, I now spend more time posting crap and reading crap in the Radio bit, so it IS detracting from what I'd normally do and post on the board...