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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
it wudnt b a java based one bro id go for a flash one that wud b fully integrated into the board. ie only members of the board could go in and ur logged in. full moddin bizniss and logs and all that jazz.

only reason i suggested was coz the shouts box shud jus be for shouts and it seems to be gettin used as a chat room which aint what its designed for so thought if thats whats needed then could add a proper one for that. hopefully it aint tho and then erm. i wont :d

blue jammer said:

I think the current Radio Shouts is top, so another chat applet would be naff as fook like.

I hate java applets, you'd be better getting a channel setup on irc if you wanted a proper realtime chatroom, where you can appoint mods that can kick and ban people properly, but again, its gonna mean moderating it.

There's been no problems (I've not seen) with the current Radio shouts bit, and I'm happy as chuff using that when its there, so I'd say a big fat hairy no to another chat thing.

As it is, I now spend more time posting crap and reading crap in the Radio bit, so it IS detracting from what I'd normally do and post on the board...


blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Ahh cool, flash is good, java-the-hut is crap lol

Fair play like, you could trial it, up to you, but I think the radio bit is enough.

Is it a problem that it's getting hammered loads?

I think lots of activity is a good thing :hubba: :mad: :eyebrow:


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
blue jammer said:
Ahh cool, flash is good, java-the-hut is crap lol

Fair play like, you could trial it, up to you, but I think the radio bit is enough.

Is it a problem that it's getting hammered loads?

I think lots of activity is a good thing :hubba: :mad: :eyebrow:
nah bud i dont think its a bad thing i jus think it aint made for that and seems like dog poo as a chat room like that and so thought well if thats what the crew needs then the crew shall gets. lol :D


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Do you think a chat room might kill off some of the forum usage, just noticed when Shout was introduced people strted neglecting some of the forums.

saying that tho realtime chat would be good, advice and help given to those who need it when they need it. Im just a forum whore i guess hehe :)

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
butty said:
nah bud i dont think its a bad thing i jus think it aint made for that and seems like dog poo as a chat room like that and so thought well if thats what the crew needs then the crew shall gets. lol :D

I like that it's only 4 lines, as full-on chat rooms are hard to read with that many peoples lines of text scrolling lots.

Suits me as it is and I'm happy to stick with that and nowt else

Do a Poll :thumbsup:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
i say dont add one!!

ive been on here in the day and the same old peeps are using the shoutbox instead of the chillout coz its been reeeeealy quiet in there:eek:

chat rooms remind me of places where dirty old me letch after young ens anyway and it may put a few ens off joining even if you have to be registered to use it:confused:


Oct 25, 2003
I think a chatroom is needed for the radio side. That chatbox is doing my headin .
Cant even keep up with it. I think a chat room would be good for discussing the radio etc whats this tune. Couldnt you do a chat room that only opened up when the radio was on aswell.


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
The radio chat shoutbox has gone back to 3 lines too :S but like butty said it's possible to see the last 10 lines by pressing the tab at the top:thumbsup:
What about having a "Waffle box". Like the radio shout out box, and like a chat room, sort of a cross between the two. Not a full blown chatroom, but bigger than the shoutouts.

I don't know if that exists, but it should. Just for waffle as apposed to subjects. Sort of like what goes on in the shout out thingy, but a little more. So you can say "Hey Sirrius, what colour is your hair?" If you wanted...

But yeh, sirrius, what colour is your hair?


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Lozzie said:
What about having a "Waffle box". Like the radio shout out box, and like a chat room, sort of a cross between the two. Not a full blown chatroom, but bigger than the shoutouts.

I don't know if that exists, but it should. Just for waffle as apposed to subjects. Sort of like what goes on in the shout out thingy, but a little more. So you can say "Hey Sirrius, what colour is your hair?" If you wanted...

But yeh, sirrius, what colour is your hair?

Lol its true though, you do at times just want to have a quick chit chat without the hoo-ha of msn, which i never do anyway. Lots of people can't use msn at work, so a waffle box might be usefull to those.

I agree that it could take something away from other bits, but i am sure this would only be 'newness', and besides if its worthy of a real post or thread starting scenario, then i am sure people still will. The other side of the coin is that it might help to keep threads on track, stop hijacking and keep the forum tidier. I think it should be given a go, if its shit then pull it.



New member
Sep 6, 2003
Also, i just had a peep at the radio one, and when you read it its quite entertaining- some humour is quick, and when you have a few people joining in its a good laugh:) . ASt the mo they are chatting about some niose they can hear, and its quite nice to watch people getting along and being sound, just messing about.

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Amelie said:
Also, i just had a peep at the radio one, and when you read it its quite entertaining- some humour is quick, and when you have a few people joining in its a good laugh:) . ASt the mo they are chatting about some niose they can hear, and its quite nice to watch people getting along and being sound, just messing about.

It wasn't a boing after all :D

Agree with that though, long live the Shout box :king:


New member
Dec 31, 2003
id say No.
I personally think i wouldnt use it through the fear of being 'Groomed' into meeting somewhere in a shady place by Woody or Shooms:| Shaking just thinkin about it:|
:D :D

Seriously though dont reckon its that needed and might hinder the board as fewer would actually post threads. :thumbsup:

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