Dog shit v Cat shit.

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Active member
Mar 21, 2005
It's along time since I last had the pleasure of really taking notice of animal poo so i'm ill qualified to cast a vote.

I reckon dog poo's the funniest though after I nearly died laughing at my mates mum for a good 5+ minutes after she accidentally knelt in a nice squishy dog turd lol.:thumbsup:
dog shit is worse, deffo man!!!!

i dnt particularly like the smell of cat shit, but i tell u, dog shit has the distinctiver odour of ming, and its not jus ordinary ming, its proper ming!!!!

the kind of ming that makes u retch after like 2 mins!!!

cat shit, i can handle, it also is pretty mingin, its shit, course it is, but i can stand it long enough to clean it upo or whatever.

also, i think cat shits always kinda smell the same, dog shits vary from dog to dog.
i have had to clear up after a few dogs in my time, and the fresh'ens are deffo the worst!!!

eeeeeewwwwwww :hurl:


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
deffo dog shit...... even when they fart it smells like someone has cracked open a tin of chappie:D



New member
Nov 15, 2005
When i was 7 years old me and mam were walking into town with my youngest sister, half way along the street is the farmers house with huge gardens and apple & pear trees,

the garden walls are small and we always jumped over to nick an apple especially in the evening, but this day i found a piece of white chalk hidden in the grass, jumping back over the wall and chalking on the pavement but to my disgust turned out to be a lump of white dog shite that had gone rock hard probably with age.

Don't know much about cat shite to vote either way so guess i will stay neutral.