fao those with rave videos and sheet..

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Konspiracy said:
tbh BJ is right, there are loads of leechers out there who wont think twice about selling other peoples vids on ebay, if yer average Joe knows they can come here, join and contribute to the upkeep of the site so they can download some of Dance Music history I dont think its a bad thing

Or were you just on the wind up lol;) :thumbsup:

No mate, I was not on the wind up.
I really do believe that the best way to do something like is to have it available to all, so everybody has access to it. They do it on B2VOS and no one puts em on ebay, they also put tape rips and mixes up from back in the day for you to download.
So what if the odd to55er puts stuff up on ebay, if they come on here anyway, whats to stop em getting gold membership and doing it anyway. Is it all right for them to do it them as long as the board makes a few quid out of it. If that was the case then peeps who are genuinely intested in it would miss out like me as I don't have gold membership:thumbsup:

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
I'm not sure how much bandwidth allowance there is for this place, and the files that are already in place, but I've known other forums struggle when hosting large files, the costs from extra bandwidth can be huge, so with that in mind, that was my reasoning for it, yeah it does piss you off when people make money off someone elses efforts, which were never intended to be up for sale, instead shared between people of a community like this.

But, it's always going to happen, things get leaked all the time- I once sent a load of 808 state shows to three (3) people on this site, with the ideal that they'd keep em to themselves, they got leaked out and were soon on eBay/soulseek, what pissed me of on that score was I had paid out for them, so felt it was a bit of a kick in the teeth- ok that's different as you don't generally pay for this sorta stuff, but it's part of why I'm less likely to share to everyone what I have, which is why I like the idea of low quality versions available to ALL inc guests/leechers, and the best quality versions to a restricted section.


blue jammer said:
I'm not sure how much bandwidth allowance there is for this place, and the files that are already in place, but I've known other forums struggle when hosting large files, the costs from extra bandwidth can be huge, so with that in mind, that was my reasoning for it, yeah it does piss you off when people make money off someone elses efforts, which were never intended to be up for sale, instead shared between people of a community like this.

But, it's always going to happen, things get leaked all the time- I once sent a load of 808 state shows to three (3) people on this site, with the ideal that they'd keep em to themselves, they got leaked out and were soon on eBay/soulseek, what pissed me of on that score was I had paid out for them, so felt it was a bit of a kick in the teeth- ok that's different as you don't generally pay for this sorta stuff, but it's part of why I'm less likely to share to everyone what I have, which is why I like the idea of low quality versions available to ALL inc guests/leechers, and the best quality versions to a restricted section.

lol fair enuff fella, not rally upto speed with bandwidth etc:$
guess I'll have to watch what the leechers watch, or get woody to download em so i can semm em on ebay;)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
a decent divx/xvid rip of one of these bad bwoys will be about 800 meg. and so if 100 people download it thats 80 gig of bandwith. as a marker currently osa and tuneid.com sites in total use 75 gig bandwith

whereas lower qualitty streaming vids will be about 20 meg each one. but will still allow the masses to check it out. i jus couldnt make good quality ones available to the masses as the bandwith wud prolly shoot over 500 gig a month. and thats a hell o a lot o bandwith there bwoy :D


New member
Aug 11, 2005
i have just started hosting samples on me e-bay sales, i was using a file share thingy @ first & it was feckin' scary how high the bandwidth got with just a 'few' peeps havin' a listen! So i've now had to buy a piece of 'web' space to accomadate 'em!
People (Even me til recently) don't realise that this little part of cyber space is like everything else: It aint feckin' FREE!


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I've got some vids but I need better compression software and hardware.

I ripped the Pleasuredrome vid a while back, but it's over 1 Gb in size. I did the same with some other music vids and they're massive too.

Can somebody recommend hardware and software to use?

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Jiglo, what format have you ripped them as?

If they are .avi, you can compress them to smaller filesizes with a program called 'DrDivx' (can be found on most p2p programs) if you extract vob files from a DVD, you can also encode to divx files with same program, tis a handy bit of kit.

If you need to edit out or join uncompressed .avi files, use Virtual Dub (freeware)

For best results when ripping/converting movie files, turn off Antivirus software and disconnect your pc from the net, the least amount of activity will result in less glitches, leave it alone - go off to the pub for a few hours, then come back and it'll be reet :D


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Thanks blue jammer!:thumbsup:

I've been using my Archos AV 440 portable media player for all my ripping (video and music) because it's so easy to rip anything, but the quality isn't the best. The quality of my VHS video of the Pleasuredrome night is perfect, but it hasn't ripped perfectly to my Archos even though I used the highest quality settings:|

I reckon that a good quality capture card would be the best way to rip it and if it comes with easy to use software then that would be a bonus:)


New member
Dec 16, 2005
Rave Video/Graphics

hope its okay to post this here, but Im curious to know if anyone knows where to get the type of graphics/videos that were projected on the video screens at some raves/clubs.

Well, in particular Im thinking of this one trippy image of a unicorn rhythmically galloping with a background that changed colour. Very trippy and hypnotic.

Now this was a favourite here in Perth, West Australia as it appeared on the screens at a few different raves back in 1992. I belive it was UK produced and brought over to Perth by someone involved in the rave scene.

Anyone see this back in 1992? Know what it is and how I can get it?




New member
Nov 11, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
I have already been through this process with some of my old VHS tapes: -

Pleasuredome(hit man),
Pleasuredrome(from my camcorder),
Legendary II, Bowlers(hit man),
Bowlers(opening Night),
Jooce II,
Blackburn Warehouse Parties

This is how I did it.

I have a t.v. card in my PC which also has capture,
I hooked up a VHS to it,
Recorded the footage (came in as an mpeg)
Converted the mpeg to AVI
Loaded the AVI into Adobe Premier
Did the edits in Adobe Premier
Saved the final movie as an AVI
Used ULead DVD Movie Factory to create the final DVD

Adobe Premier also has the ability to save off in web friendly formats such as Real Video, QuickTime and WMV.

Good luck peeps, and I would love to see some of your footage.



Well-known member
VIP Silver Member
Oct 26, 2001
Scottish Borders
Dj_Choonz said:
hope its okay to post this here, but Im curious to know if anyone knows where to get the type of graphics/videos that were projected on the video screens at some raves/clubs.

Well, in particular Im thinking of this one trippy image of a unicorn rhythmically galloping with a background that changed colour. Very trippy and hypnotic.

Now this was a favourite here in Perth, West Australia as it appeared on the screens at a few different raves back in 1992. I belive it was UK produced and brought over to Perth by someone involved in the rave scene.

Anyone see this back in 1992? Know what it is and how I can get it?



i have a few of these in club graphics videos which ive picked up over the years --

VR Cyber-Delia (With 3D Glasses) 1992

Discription : Computer generated visuals with techno & ambient music, ideal for in-club visuals

Format : VHS Video

Duration : 60mins


VR Dance In Cyberspace 1992

Discription : Computer generated visuals with music from Dr. Devious, ideal for in-club visuals

Format : VHS Video

Duration : 40mins


Eat Static - Intrusion 1994

Discription : Computer generated visuals with nine tracks by Eat Static including Gulf Breeze, ideal for in-club visuals

Format : VHS Video

Duration : 65mins


Rave Nation - Dance Sensation

Discription : Computer generated visuals with snippets of various events. Soundtrack by - DJ Clarke & Dougal, ideal for in-club visuals

Format : VHS Video

Duration : 47mins

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