Goodtimes Life Reunion Chat and Reviews

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italian style

New member
Feb 22, 2002
finally had the chance to come on ther board, avent been on since b4 gt, had shit loads on me mind, anyway f**kin top nite had by us all i think, deffo 1 on me all time frav's all the dj's were ace, quite afew tunes played which i feckin loved 'the tape', 'keep it comin' and me most frav at the nite ideed by danny exodus to paradise 'rock it' nice 1 ben made me nite that tune:thumbsup:

as for the osa turn out, i don't think we could of asked for owt better glad to see very 1 again seemed like every 1 had a top nite:D ,

hope to see every1 there at the beggining of feb;)

cheers for a top nite

adam;) ;)

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Biskit said:

Nice to meet the OSA crew & thanks 4 a top one at GT, shouts to...

Rich (VinylAnimal), Joker, Al (OldSkoolDazed), Ste H, Sweet Sensation & Grad, Alec (Armando) & Deedee, Tall Paul, Flange, Pixie, Ben, Dannster, Woody, Adam (Italian Style), Danny R, Liquid E, Jaxxster, Big T & Tigger for gettin us there!!!!

MMMmmmmm.....cheers Biskit. Nice to know I was there in spirit. how long was you talking to me for then, and was I wafflining codmuck again lololol :D

Gutted I missed this one, but will be back with bells on for the next one :eyes:

Jaxxy :phones:


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
I had a wicked night, twas nice to meet you all, dont ask me to name you all cause im crap wiv names and faces, i agree totally with woody that them there T shirts should be compulsary, it would make my life a lot easier and you wouldnt have to put captions under the photies when they are posted!sorry if i seemed a bit ignorant by not chatting alot but i couldnt tear meself off the dance floor (no bad thing i suppose), Big Big shout out to me new stomping partner dunno his name but he had WOODY written on his chest for some reason!! On a serious note that shirt was a life saver cause when everything got a bit hazy coming back from a trip to the toilet and things i didnt spend hours looking for me mates i could see you from a mile off....
till we all meet again...


Active member
Jul 18, 2001
Me Flat with our Kes..proper bo'!
Well what can i say....TOP FOOKING NIGHT!!!!:thumbsup:
The BEST Boxin day ive had fer a long time n a big shout out to everyone i seen n chatted/said hiya to...:D:D:D:D
Gotta say Vertigo did indeed play the best set of the night ...but what a night of quality tunagio by all eh?
Me n Michelle had a bliiiiiinder see ya again next month peeps:thumbsup:
PS Ben pleeeeeease say u got it and its goin on sale...soon?

Tonksi & Michelle - the pair of ya looked well happy all night (still trying to work out if I have met Michelle in Bowlers - r u sure it was as late as '95?

Cheers m8 we had a really mint night she loves GT so my eeeeevil conversion technique worked Bwuahahahahaha:drevil:

Ill ask her if she went pre 95 m8 so its sherlock T on the case.

PPS Once again thanks to Ben n Mik for a top night.

PPPS I like the t shirt idea.....

PPPPS Mik did u sort out yer eye u mad bastid...u were adamant not to leave till the end...U looked like ud took on Rocky fellar..hope yer ok bud:S ;)


Aug 20, 2001
tall paul said:
Flange - good luck with the car hunting, & hello to the blonde girl who was with yas (don't know her name).

Just remembered that conversation m8!!!! must have been about FTO's and Celica's!!! - Think me and you always end up talking motors - usually about your "7 million brake horse fanny magnet!!" lolol

Blond girl is the Wife - Angie - she says Hi...


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
god - look at time im typin thids - ha ha -just like to say - had a fantastic night - everythin was brill from the magiacian to the vast osa turn out to - the MC to the after party peepol! - thanks to pixie and ben for a mad masher - nice one fer the champers ben - quality m8 - i earned it tho - ha ha - pix - top one - was your 2 heads mashed after spendin sum time in our mad mash room - they are a wierd bunch my mates but they mean no arm or leg even - respect to room 203 for the fone call to suggest lower volume ha ha - was R karl avin it tho - no chance the masher - hes ere now concked out - howz u lot bean! - h a - guess wot im more minced than a minced pie an ive not even steven ad nowt - keep the faith - im rendered just downloadin some rare prodigy shit to keep our karl appy - thinkl he has gone to bo bo land now tho - kat has disintegrated like gtated ches on toast - kiss kiss - i am on the prowl for some toastmwahahahahaha hic erp - seeya inabit:icecream: love u all an all that espeshialyy blah blah blah bl bl blah bla blah blahb labhalbaaaaah a b;aaaaaaaaaaaah X

Big T

New member
May 16, 2002
Well fuck me what a night. Can not say 1 bad thing about it. Everything was exellent. Good to meet some new peeps i've never met but i've seen all somewhere before.
Sorry about the delay just got back to work and thats the only computer i can get access to.
I'll see u all at the next 1.


Nov 24, 2002
Yeah top night, it was good to meet a lot of ya...tall paul, ste huxley, pixie, sweet sensation, Dannster, italian style, woody and anyone else I haven't mentioned.

Thanx for a top night Ben, top scratchin.

see ya all at the next one.

p.s haven't had poppers in ages Ste, they were needed.


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
Hi to you all and here's mo (mini) review as I think you've all covered it!!

Had a fab and top nighht after a couplke of months away from the oldplace. A good mixture of tunes, DJ's and rooms with lots more things to do.

I really like the idea of two rooms as even though you can love your OS to death, it's still nice to have somewhere to wander to if you well, just fancy a wander !! :axe:

Top for the merchandise stall too and I think Steve seemed to do a roaring trade on there and again, a good place to go for a bit of a mission.

Wasn't massively keen on the dancers but didnt' really take much notice of the bloes, I think they were better than the girl though.

Maybe the solution is to let people dance on the stage bits when the dancers are getting changed and then you get the best of both worlds..... dunno. I think if the dancers are good they can really make a club rock (same as MC's) but if they're crap they just get in the way. These ones were ok but I think you could do better for your money.

A top turn out by all and I'm not even going to mention all the names as I don't think I could if I tried.

A special shout out to Dannster and the Toby Carvery after hours posse..... thanks for letting me bum a lift down with you all and for inviting us to your after-party. Your mates a chicken oriental but fantastic - I can see this becoming a regular thing (if we chop Karls hands off first or take the volume button off the cd player ;) )

also a huge thanks to Ben for inviting me as his guest and for being my Friday afternoon Ikea sales partner !!!! :love: ;)

p.s. Moved to 'reviews section'

:moonie: :king: :drevil:

Eddy Osborne

New member
Sep 4, 2002
p.s. Moved to 'reviews section'

Back and forth like a bloody yo-yo lol. I posted this in the reviews and didnt even have that title i had 'GOODTIMES!!!!!!!! How was it for you!

Then I wake up in mornin and see that my title had been changed and it had been put in the chillout room by rick lol:axe:

See ya at next one!

Liquid E;)


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
Sorry mate, Didn't realsie it had been moved from reviews in the first place.

If people start to waffle on the posts then we put them in chillout usually but most of the posts on here seem like people's individual reviews not just waffle so I moved it back.

Soz. :axe:

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