On a scale of 1 to 10...BOSS!
Aye, gonna keep it short too... plenty work to do at the mo.
Easter started on Thursday night for me, more or less as soon as we got in the door from the station. A somewhat interesting Friday morning. Friday evening was hilarious round at Dreamgirl n DodgyScousers place.... this was all before Hazy.
I warned everyone I was on a hardcore one this Easter, and I proved that by non stop dancing in the Attic all night... Never have I danced so hard and for so long - testament to the sets that you all put together. 808 State? I didn't bother going down other than to grab a glimpse.
Thanks to Milenko for getting vid footage of me on the podium downstairs, cheers. Special thanks to the Scousers for ganging up on me and taking untold photees (my camera in cream crackered btw, not the cards). Good to say hello to the usual crew, and meet Sully, Cano and Retro for the first time properly. Top lads.
Other than that, the after party I was at was pure madness and lasted till... errr... Monday night. Serious stuff kids. Especially nice to finally meet n greet TK Tony and Dezza properly. Boss.
All I can say is:
Danger Buckaroo
Blind Jenga
Extreme Household Appliance Danger Jenga (if anyone can beat using an ironing board to successfully knock out a block, you need to challenge me)
Reversed Extreme Mirror Jenga (avec hammer)
'Use the bunny girl's finger to poke it out' Jenga (keep it stiff love!)
Extreme old school gender bender funky karaoke jenga (I think I missed out a few adjectives there too) - I think there was a tongue involved at some point.
>>> Rules of engagement available on application
Special shout out to the TOUCH ME NOW! crew - you know who you are.
Excellent Hazy, wicked music, wicked people.
Here's to April
>>>> Grover / Shazzer - thanks for your hospitality again, even though I only spent a few hours at yours. Knowing that I have a second home up in the 'Pool for Hazy weekends makes for a very happy honourary Scouser. Thx.
TK TONNY said:
Keepin it very short this time.
Marks out of 10 for DJ's, sound, lighting, people, drinks, after parties, new games being invented(ask brix),
As for next one, am so excited i could P*SS