"How good was the sound system upstairs?"
I'm sorry everyone, but that was the phrase of the night, and I said that multiple times to everyone who came upstairs
Really hope you get the sound that good up there each month, as it really made it sound ace, just as it should be, and there was no bleed through like you get with some clubs with 2 rooms, so nice one.
Really enjoyed the sets from EVERYONE who played upstairs, Tag - first time I've heard you play properly, and have to say I was blown away, especially by two tunes in your set - Underground Posse - Straight Up House, and Ravesignal - Horsepower, mmmm yum yum, and nicely mixed!
Nice to meet a few new people, namely, Vicki (another Vicki lol) Murfso - had a really good chat to and must remember to get you on soulseek for a natter (I really must stop fancying everyone I meet!) Jonathan Knight erm and sure there was someone else, but it was all a bit hazy after a while
(ho ho ho!)
Good to see some of the regulars there, missing though were, Ste, Dannster, Shooms, sweet, shabba, butty/quey - knew you'd bottle out lol, plebhead/featherlash (soon I hope you two!)
Nice one to everyone for being really nice in there, especially Sunshine, thanks for being cool about you-know-what
Got to say upstairs was the busiest I've ever seen it, and at one point I was surrounded by about 15 really pretty girls, which again seemed like a fuckload of girls upstairs all of a sudden (during Tag's set) I felt like a big kid in a sweet shop and was groped and snogged a few times - thought I'd died and was in heaven hehehehe, so nice one for that girls orrr jear
Thanks S-J for dragging me over to the wall and rubbing me hand on it, making one of me fingers go blue, that proper confused me, and people soon got really bored of hearing "Look at that *points to finger* I'm blue jammer"
My wifey count has now gone up to 8 I think, so now marrying (think I can remember this now) shabba, sweet, pauly p, girl from the chinese, katoosh, vicki (zebragirl) s-j, murfso
Nice one mart for that nugget of information
"Hazy, again it feels like home" can't thank you all enough, woody for the liftage, S-J for sorting ticketage out, mart, grover, tag, dreamgirl and pez for mint music, may Hazy always shine, I know I'll not be missing any this year
Shouts to the mashup krew back at Vee's, some well wrong things going on there, inc the pinkness of pink things in Vee's bed, couldn't get out at one point, and it was all mad (nowt new there then!)
Nice one to sweet for popping by today and chilling out, was top to have a natter/pizza and movie with ya, even if I did fall asleep! (haven't slept since Friday night lol)
Right, after being twatted in there and then tripping today, I'm off to me bed for some rest.
See ya soon for more fun and games, hazy styleeeee.
jear xxx