PRINCESSWARRIOR - I salute your ultimate codshite chatting ability!!!!
I went to the pub and left me self logged in. It was a struggle I tell ya, a random guy behind the bar decided he could patronise me and said "Were you out last night?" "Your eyes are big"
I thought, "Who the F**K are you?, I'll tarnish your head mate" so I said:
"I wouldnt like to tell you the things I have been chatting about the past day or so, Hmmm for example Where an I tie my pet arrdvark up? It wont hurt you unless you have an ant farm in which case the hurt will be emotional as it will eat all your pets"
I think I completely fekked his swede up, i walked away and he waited till I was out of veiw and shouted "Yer talking rubbish"!!!!!!!!!! WTF??? I felt like saying "No, I am not discussing refuse or any link with waste desposal nbo matter how tenious I am simply asking you a question" But I left it at that.
I think I have just missed you by about two minutes!!! doh The 'section me quick, Iam still on the loose' rarechat has been excellent and splendid.
I am looking forward to our next assignment into the ?????Mashed head zone????
ps - I am considering holding a 'Celebration of Tessalation' night soon, Its either going to be at St.Marys Church youth hall, Whitley bay seaside adventure park or Namibian Deep Jungle. If anyomne kows how I can boost Blackpool Zoos revenue twicefold within 16 days then I would value this information as much as I value the role AA batteries play in the life of a television remote control.