marc smith @ hacienda glasgow summer 91

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Jan 6, 2007
this is NOT the hacienda manchester.....this is from a club in glasgow that was only open for a short while.not the sort of place you could go to unless you knew someone...if you know what i mean....good though untill the police shut it down......had to be seen to be believed.
any way good tunes,bit ropey at times an the mc can be a bit of an a**e but hey thats what 91 was all about:fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :D
have a listen

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service marc smith mix

all the best decky


New member
Jan 6, 2007
cheers Decky, i knew a couple of people that used to go but never went myself


once was enough for me....:)

in the process of rippin a couple of marc smith mixes from heaven in glasgow from the same time so keep an eye out for them.

all the best decky


New member
Aug 30, 2007
Cheers for that. Also interested in hearing mixes from Scottish clubs/raves from that era.


New member
Jan 6, 2007
never noticed i`d ran out of premium megaupload so mixes would have been you go for any new members to catch some tunes

all the best decky


New member
Apr 16, 2009
mc james lang?

scratch it mark, is it that tape with the penilee guy full of it on it. sort of summed up the hacienda i suppose. fair to say he was the only scottish dj worth a toss early on. i had this tape as well . never went to hac but went to heaven a few times when mark smith played there. knew him thru a guy from newton mearns i was pals with who drove mark about. ah the good ole days.


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford

MC Jambo :) - Ive had a copy of this set for years and it nearly got worn out. Went through a few times, Edinburgh took a bus through, shadiest club ever and it nearly kicked off a few times with a few of the ICF faces in there.;)


New member
Jan 6, 2007
MC Jambo :) - Ive had a copy of this set for years and it nearly got worn out. Went through a few times, Edinburgh took a bus through, shadiest club ever and it nearly kicked off a few times with a few of the ICF faces in there.;)

yip it certainly wasnt a club for the faint hearted ;)

good to listen back to this mix now and again.sounds like its in slow motion....:D good times


New member
Apr 16, 2009

MC Jambo :) - Ive had a copy of this set for years and it nearly got worn out. Went through a few times, Edinburgh took a bus through, shadiest club ever and it nearly kicked off a few times with a few of the ICF faces in there.;)

fair mob of penilee and shettleston rangers mob went there. 2 of jambos brothers were well known rangers lads, had many a run in with them at the football and in paisley. the younger one gary and alistair. got to know them after the football died, and rab as well. james-mc jambo was a bit of a jellyhead though. - werent we all.

didnt know a bus went from edinburgh though, hope certain hibs faces werent there, that would have been a sight.


New member
Aug 12, 2015
fair mob of penilee and shettleston rangers mob went there. 2 of jambos brothers were well known rangers lads, had many a run in with them at the football and in paisley. the younger one gary and alistair. got to know them after the football died, and rab as well. james-mc jambo was a bit of a jellyhead though. - werent we all.

didnt know a bus went from edinburgh though, hope certain hibs faces werent there, that would have been a sight.

Mate Edinburgh took mair than a bus thru in these days, we took bout 10-15 cars also in the peak, if ever you remember the club suddenly had near everyfkr wearing michiko/hamnet teeshirts and the doormen selling tee shirts outa black bags , that wis me that supplied the lot, and brought the club to a near standstill one night with dennis the menance samples fresh from london. I went 14mths on the trot btw, not a single saturday missed. RIP Ian Logue, you saved ma skin on wir sourcing trip to l/pool ;) Peace to all the ICF lads specially cranhill.....ah must pick up phone to Alec
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Oct 8, 2015
Was there every week great days

Edinburgh took a few buses through to the hac I used to go on the bus from the shopping centre at sighthill and the bus from leith I was only 13when I started going dodgy someone said yeah We'd come back to the bus and it had been screwed went AWOL with a few boys from penilee PJ who has passed away R.I.P and Whitey I'd go back the night if I could Marc was amazing (scratching) and Jambo we'll I remember when he fell down the stairs but he got the place rocking it be good to speak to anyone who went Edinburgh possum in the house in the place to be rocking on the mic as I'm feeling free lol


New member
May 3, 2023

fair mob of penilee and shettleston rangers mob went there. 2 of jambos brothers were well known rangers lads, had many a run in with them at the football and in paisley. the younger one gary and alistair. got to know them after the football died, and rab as well. james-mc jambo was a bit of a jellyhead though. - werent we all.

didnt know a bus went from edinburgh though, hope certain hibs faces werent there, that would have been a sight.
We had a bus running through from the silver wing pub in sighthill Edinburgh if anything it would have been hearts boys. Ahh the good old days

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