10:00-12:00 Mister DJ
12:00-02:00 Allister Whitehead
02:00-04:00 DJ Rhythm
Get there early for Marts set, he's gonna pull out some tasty numbers, and just spoken to Ali who is ready to play a proper 88/89 set, DON'T MISS his set whatever you do! and it'll ALL be off vinyl, the whole night
10:00-12:00 Mister DJ
12:00-02:00 Allister Whitehead
02:00-04:00 DJ Rhythm
Get there early for Marts set, he's gonna pull out some tasty numbers, and just spoken to Ali who is ready to play a proper 88/89 set, DON'T MISS his set whatever you do! and it'll ALL be off vinyl, the whole night