i went on the jeremy kyle show yesterday!! well, in the audience...i know i'm sad and its no jerry springer show! but we thought it would be a laugh!! we were were wrong!! instead of gettin some story about a grubby chav that slept with his mother or summat we got the worst possible stories ever.......
my son didnt return from war,
my 14yr old daughter killed herself,
my mum was killed by harold shipman
and my son had his drink drugged n was chainsawed into pieces.
absolutely gutted. i came out feelin like i'd been to a funeral...serves me right i suppose for being silly enuff to go in the first place.
as for deal or no deal.... i love it!!! favourite had to be marcus the blonde gay guy from ireland hahahaha
my son didnt return from war,
my 14yr old daughter killed herself,
my mum was killed by harold shipman
and my son had his drink drugged n was chainsawed into pieces.
absolutely gutted. i came out feelin like i'd been to a funeral...serves me right i suppose for being silly enuff to go in the first place.
as for deal or no deal.... i love it!!! favourite had to be marcus the blonde gay guy from ireland hahahaha