the universe and stuff..

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
right this always mashes my head up every time i think about it and reading some other posts has made me think about it again. right look outside into the sky and point straight up yeah. right whats all the all the way that way. does it go on forever? i mean i know there is stars other planets an all that that are a trek away but what if ya kept on going past all that and then some. is there a wall at the end thats black truman show style lol :confused: :confused: :confused:

right. discuss :fekked:


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Bonkers aint it, i cant see there beuing an end to it, but its a great old mass of nothingness....but trying to get ur head around that is impossible lol :crazy:

There has to be something else out there....ur not telling me that out of all those millions and millions of miles of space, that there isnt another habitable planet :thumbsup: there has to be :$

Wobbles and string theories....dont u just love it ;)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
lol innit if it goes on forever as in like forever. well thats erm dead far aint it :| lol. and what about if ya carried on going after the forever bit. theres not a cat in hells chance were the only peeps diggin this shit no way

and heres another one that pickles me head. where the hell did it all come from :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :fekked:


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
I know that we all like to think that as humans we know everything, some more than others, but the human mind is actually very limited in what it is capable of comprehending, again, some more than others!!! Basically, if we can't see it, we can't get our head around it!!! :fekked:

We'll probably never know what's out there!!! :king:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
butty said:
lol innit if it goes on forever as in like forever. well thats erm dead far aint it :| lol. and what about if ya carried on going after the forever bit. theres not a cat in hells chance were the only peeps diggin this shit no way

and heres another one that pickles me head. where the hell did it all come from :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :fekked:

Where did all come from and what was here before it hahahaha :fekked: :eyebrow: the mind boggles, we will never know i dont think, that one of lifes great mysteries :crazy: but id like to think that maybe one day, our technology will be so much more advanced that we do a bit of 'space exploration' :mad: and who said star trek was a load of old tosh :p

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Watch war of the worlds :fekked: :D :thumbsup:

Never really thought much about the whats and where's of the edge of the planet, but I did once have a mad notion that we were all on the very edge of a big piece of carpet, which was grasssed coloured, and it'd be a reet nightmare if someone came along and pulled the carpet from under us :fekked: :crazy: :cops:


New member
Jul 18, 2001
blue jammer said:
Watch war of the worlds :fekked: :D :thumbsup:

how'd that help with this thread? it doesn't explain much.. slightly ot but it's one of the worse films i've ever seen..

butty said:
and heres another one that pickles me head. where the hell did it all come from

that's the biggy..none of this why are we here, how are we here is where it's at..


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
it's crazy but true , when you look up at the stars , you are looking back in time.....
say that a star is 1 million light years away from us.... that means that it will take 1 million years for the light from that star to reach us , so what we are seeing now is the light from that star 1 million years ago :| that star may not even be there now :|
and if you consider that all the grains of sand in the sahara are stars... and our sun is one of them stars..... there's gotta be millions if not billions of earth like planets.......
unless we are a total freak of nature..... there's gotta be life out there.... maybe not as we know it jim but some sort of life ;)


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
Fantastic subject, i'm always thinking about our universe, why we are here, how we came to be etc etc etc!! Its truly fasinating stuff. :)

Whats mad is that we are still here, yet there are loads of comets and asteriods hurtling through space, hitting our moon and surrounding planets, okay we've had a few impacts ourselves but nothing like the ones they've seen hit jupiter, apparantly one asteriod that hit jupiter was the size of the earth!! :S

Also they believe that at every centre of every galaxy is a mega super black hole, or something along those lines, and that is what keeps us all spinning around in harmony with each other. They can lie dormant for centuries then all of a sudden start feeding of our sun, sucking it up, bits at a time!!

Also we (planets, stars, gases etc) only make up 5% of the universe! We just can't see the other 95%!! :S

Love this subject!! :D


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
i hate thinking about this subject and try to avoid it at all costs before i go to bed, because otherwise i end up having a panic attack and not being able to sleep :| it just really messes with my head (strange i know :$ ) i also cant think about death, the whole we are dead forever business well that just really gets to me :| i guess im just weird :crazy:
the thing that really gets to me though is the fact that i will die before they invent the technology to find out what really is out there :mad:


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
butty said:
and heres another one that pickles me head. where the hell did it all come from :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: :fekked:

This is a tough one. If you happen to agree with the notion that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another, then there is no way that the universe can ever have had a beginning. It must have always existed and always will exist. OK, so there was a big bang, but that might not be the only "big bang" in the universe's history, and it might not be the last.

It is a mad idea that the universe is infinate, and something that I think 99% of people find it an unbelieveably hard concept to grasp - myself included. If you just set off in a little ship, you could go on forever. Even if you got passed all the stars, and all the planets in our galaxy and carried on passed the billions of other galaxies, until there was nothing left to go past, you could still carry on forever. There is no end. That's why it's called space, and frig me, there's a lot of it!


New member
Miss saysay said:
Fantastic subject, i'm always thinking about our universe, why we are here, how we came to be etc etc etc!! Its truly fasinating stuff. :)

Whats mad is that we are still here, yet there are loads of comets and asteriods hurtling through space, hitting our moon and surrounding planets, okay we've had a few impacts ourselves but nothing like the ones they've seen hit jupiter, apparantly one asteriod that hit jupiter was the size of the earth!! :S

Also they believe that at every centre of every galaxy is a mega super black hole, or something along those lines, and that is what keeps us all spinning around in harmony with each other. They can lie dormant for centuries then all of a sudden start feeding of our sun, sucking it up, bits at a time!!

Also we (planets, stars, gases etc) only make up 5% of the universe! We just can't see the other 95%!! :S

Love this subject!! :D

if u like that kinda stuff


New member
true story now kids....6 years ago when i went back packing around the Europe we got to Lake Garda in Italy and were pretty skint, couldn't afford to go out boozing for the 24th day running so we went and got a bottle of black sambuca each & a bag of skunk) and decided to sit on an upside down boat next to the lake, I wasn't pissed or stoned (but can't be too sure ;) ) but i had supped just about the whole bottle & had quiet a few reefers and we were talking about space and aliens,

anyway I figured it all out when we were having a discussion and we were all like wow this is amazing... was in such a state about this fact I daren't go for a pi55 becuase I thought Aliens were going to take me away as i'd figured it all out.

anyway I woke up in the morning with a fresh head and totally forgot what had been said...everyone else had forgotten as well.

I'm still trying to figure out what I'd figured out that night.
.to no avail :mad:

anyway a cracking book I read ages ago is Bill Bryson "short story of nearly everything"


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
doolz said:

Cheers Doolz. ;)

Wow those piccies are beautiful!! Space is amazing....and i could sit and talk about it all day n night esp whilst :fekked: lol!! That website 'hubblesite' looks great, i shall be having a look around that. :)

Did anybody watch those programmes on space..called , well, Space lol it had that actor Sam Neil presenting it, got them all on dvd, really fascinating and definalty worth looking out for if your into this stuff. :)

Just read that these super-massive black holes are between 1 million and 1 billion times bigger than the standard black hole!! :eek:

Quote the standard black hole is a frightening enough thing. Caused by the ongoing contraction of its own matter the black hole - previously a star, now dead - becomes smaller and smaller and increasingly dense. Its gravitational pull becomes super-strong, pulling in gas from nearby stars, literally stripping them of all substance. Such is the intense pull of a black hole’s gravity that light itself cannot escape - hence its blackness. The more the black hole consumes the more massive - and therefore the more strong - it becomes. For me, black holes are the ultimate nightmare scenario. In my fevered imagination, one could drift by earth and simply relieve it of its atmosphere. That would be the end of us all.


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