the universe and stuff..

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:thumbsup: Word up G....

Funnily enough VA & I were discussing the very same subject when we was sat in Vee's back yard the other day....

But it all went way random for us both so we sacked it off and drunk a S*it load more Vodka.... Tis the only way!!! lol

S-J x :love:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
This subject has always fascinated me... in fact when I was 11 I wanted to be an astronaught..... but then I got to high school and discovered I didn't really like Physics....... so I now I just think.... "What they hey, when I'm rich I'll just pay to see the universe?!?!!!" LOL!!! I think that there is more out there than we know because at the end of the day, we're (as in, Earth) is like only a minute part of a very big universe and who's to say that there's not more beyond where we can get to!?!????:hubba:

Miss C

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May 18, 2003
New York
Shabba said:
I know that we all like to think that as humans we know everything, some more than others, but the human mind is actually very limited in what it is capable of comprehending, again, some more than others!!! Basically, if we can't see it, we can't get our head around it!!! :fekked:

We'll probably never know what's out there!!! :king:

Thats a very good point, & one its taken my stubborn head years to get over. That we are simply neuclear waste from stars (well the chemicals that origionally fused together & formed matter/life are), and we are not the most amazing, intelligent life forms that ever were with some amazing purpose. in fact, we are very simple, mechanical, & probably quite meaningless in the grand scheme of things. not a very empowering thought, but quite comforting when u really think about it. it gives me the incentive to be content with what i am & have, & squeeze the most fun & happiness out of life,might as well, instead of searching for 'meaningful' answers that have little substance. still, it would be nice if we were more important than that.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
butty said:
ive tried standin on me head and lookin at it turnin the monitor on its side and nope still cant see a baboon lol. u sure ur not lookin at grovers sig :D

heres one of the ones i got the other day its pretty good but got a better one il up in a mo. this ones more about the hubble telescope and sheet - deffo worth a watch tho if ur intrested in such bizniss

(right click and save target as - 426 meg) Channel - Hubble - Secrets from space.avi


Cheers for this link, d/loading now.
Amazing subject and not easy to comprehend aspecially for someone who is just begining to look at the subject of cosmology.

To tell you the truth i dont belive in the theories of the universe like the big bang.
With the solar system being just a speck in one galaxy and they being billions of galaxies we cant honestly say we know owt really.

for me the part that is truly amazing is the facts that we have evidence on like the distances of other galaxies and genuin photos of these places that are beautiful yet totally unreachable.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
grover said:
it's crazy but true , when you look up at the stars , you are looking back in time.....

and that works in reverse, like if you was on a star looking at the lights on earth then you would be looking back in time, but that only works for light that the earth or star is producing and not the solid matter that say a planit is made of.:crazy:


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Nice thread resurection!

Here's an interesting thing - if you set off to find the edge of the universe you'd never get there (because there isn't one). Eventually you end up at the same place you started - you keep going round in circles (or spheres). Bizarre but true.

The universe is expanding though, but it's not expanding into anything, it is everything (even time - time doesn't exist outside of the universe). These types of things can only be explained mathematically, so it's no good trying to visualise them, our brains just aren't designed to be able to do it - it's like trying to teach a pigeon german!

The big question is, like Pluto says, what was there before our universe started in the big bang? How could there be nothing and then suddenly there is something. Why the fcuk would existence suddenly come into being (anyone who thinks there is a god, which I don't, where did they come from)? At some stage something had to come from nothing. Why?


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
johny said:
and that works in reverse, like if you was on a star looking at the lights on earth then you would be looking back in time, but that only works for light that the earth or star is producing and not the solid matter that say a planit is made of.:crazy:

I've heard that if aliens were to have radio contact with us then they will be just about recieving our first radio tranmissions! :S


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
Jonno said:
Nice thread resurection!

Here's an interesting thing - if you set off to find the edge of the universe you'd never get there (because there isn't one). Eventually you end up at the same place you started - you keep going round in circles (or spheres). Bizarre but true.

The universe is expanding though, but it's not expanding into anything, it is everything (even time - time doesn't exist outside of the universe). These types of things can only be explained mathematically, so it's no good trying to visualise them, our brains just aren't designed to be able to do it - it's like trying to teach a pigeon german!

The big question is, like Pluto says, what was there before our universe started in the big bang? How could there be nothing and then suddenly there is something. Why the fcuk would existence suddenly come into being (anyone who thinks there is a god, which I don't, where did they come from)? At some stage something had to come from nothing. Why?

I love questions like these, makes your mind boggle. Where have we come from, where have the gases etc that started the supossed big bang come from? How big is the universe? :crazy:
TBH, I have had this convo soooooo many times, asked these same questions sooo many times, to the point I was gonna study phillosophy....and now I just feel like I'm repeating myself. IMO, there is no new knowledge, it's all there already, everything just "is". Over explanation and complication just spoil it and you miss the beauty of everything. Just enjoy being insignificant. It's amazing if you let it.

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