Timeless 21st November

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Re: Re: Re: Timeless 21st November

S-J said:

Not only was there "Spider Man" There .... But there was a Huge F*C*in Masssssssiiiiiffffff King Don "Buuny Rabbit" Too!!! :D

Tigger... Back me up cause I know you saw him too!!! Now that was a Head Peck.... LoL :crazy: :axe:

Chooonz were Mint!! But attitude was a wee bit Bad Ass!!

S-J xx :hubba:

Aye, there was a definate 'I'm glad you can see it too!' moment there - didn't see spiderman though!


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VIP Gold Member

:D LoL Yeah Buzzzin....

Tigger I knew you seen that masssssiiiiiffff BunnY too... I think it was just us though you know!!??** :axe: :crazy: haha Nobody else is owning Up to The Rabbit Thing?? :roll: :axe:

I did however see SpideY though too!! Yiiiikes... Maybe it was just me??!!* :crazy: :axe:

S-J xx :hubba:


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VIP Gold Member

ste huxley said:
I didnt see the web slinger or the giant bunny.:cry:

Was the giant bunny a donnie darko bunny or just a regular cute giant bunny?:|

:confused: Errrr, Well Mr. Huxley....

I think your talking about a film there??? As I think Ive seen the DVD box @ Dannster's but errrrr, It was bad enough just seeing a "King Don" Size Fluuffy fiend!!! :crazy: Without really working out what I was actaully looking at!!!! haha

it was definatley a case of "Ignorance is Bliss!!" :axe: LoL I had chose to forget it all, until Eve mentioned it!! Bizzzzare!! :crazy:

Now I actually think about it Ste... I think they were possibly collecting for Children in need as they were carrying buckets of some sort!! Mad!!! :rolleyes:

S-J xx


VIP Silver Member
Jul 3, 2003
garden of eden
Re: Errrrr???

S-J said:

it was definatley a case of "Ignorance is Bliss!!" :axe: LoL I had chose to forget it all, until Eve mentioned it!! Bizzzzare!! :crazy:

Now I actually think about it Ste... I think they were possibly collecting for Children in need as they were carrying buckets of some sort!! Mad!!! :rolleyes:

S-J xx

I woz just so relieved when people started to remember seein the one n only spidy-man really thought i'd lost the plot completely lol :fekked: :fekked: i hope he woz harrasin me for money for children in need or i want mi dosh back :naughty: top blag if not though.. go in a club full of :fekked: :fekked: scare em half to death and take their money!!!!!!!!!! free night out :p


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VIP Gold Member
Re: Re: Errrrr???

eve said:
I woz just so relieved when people started to remember seein the one n only spidy-man really thought i'd lost the plot completely lol :fekked: :fekked: i hope he woz harrasin me for money for children in need or i want mi dosh back :naughty: top blag if not though.. go in a club full of :fekked: :fekked: scare em half to death and take their money!!!!!!!!!! free night out :p

Hya Mate! LoL arrrrr, Yeah but did you see the "King Don" Bunny tho as well??? Proper Madd!! LoL:crazy:

You know the thought did actaully cross my mind about it being a Blagg... But I like to try and see the good in People!! LoL :axe:

I didn't actually give any pennies... Tigger & I, were sat at the back wondering WTF?? :confused: and hiding out of their way!!! LoL

S-J xx :hubba:


VIP Silver Member
Jul 3, 2003
garden of eden
Re: Re: Re: Errrrr???

S-J said:
Hya Mate! LoL arrrrr, Yeah but did you see the "King Don" Bunny tho as well??? Proper Madd!! LoL:crazy:

You know the thought did actaully cross my mind about it being a Blagg... But I like to try and see the good in People!! LoL :axe:

I didn't actually give any pennies... Tigger & I, were sat at the back wondering WTF?? :confused: and hiding out of their way!!! LoL

S-J xx :hubba:

no no no... i would have been straight-jacketed by now if i had have seen a giant bunny boundin about!!!!!!!!! i think i woz just that scared at the time that spiderman woz there in front of me demandin money wi menaces i didnt even think about wot the money woz for :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: we woz at the back of the place on the stage where u woz???????? i do mean where woz u !!!!!!!!!! :axe:


Jun 24, 2003
LOL, just heard a shout out spidey on the timeless mix half way through Recca's set. Nice 1 Irie. Nice one spidey or should we call u Peter Parker.

No need to ring Knutsford 741 for the men in white coats to come along just yet. (that was the best polo mint ad ever BTW!!)


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VIP Gold Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Errrrr???

eve said:
no no no... i would have been straight-jacketed by now if i had have seen a giant bunny boundin about!!!!!!!!! i think i woz just that scared at the time that spiderman woz there in front of me demandin money wi menaces i didnt even think about wot the money woz for :fekked: :fekked: :fekked: we woz at the back of the place on the stage where u woz???????? i do mean where woz u !!!!!!!!!! :axe:

Hya Eve.... :D

Errrr, well, When I saw the bunnY Rabbit... I was down the side of the bar where the blower things are with, Dannster, Tigger, Ste H, Jen and Shabba. We was all having a boogie :drum: When I sat down with Tiggs... That's when the madness started!!! LoL :crazy:

Then towards the end of the evening, I finished up on the stage at the side of the DJ Booth with Joker Jen & Shabba... so I was probaly stood with you!! :confused: Was very Random!! :roll:

Ste..... Did you really have carrotts in your Pockets?? LoL :mad:

S-J xx :hubba:

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