What book have you got on the go at the mo

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Northern Star said:
Aye this a great book...but if you like this u gotta read Bez's Freaking dancing....thats ten time better....i was in hysterics the whole way through!!! :p :p

yeah , freaky dancin was more in depth(hallelujah , freaky dancin same story diferent author)

yer right n/s freaky dancin funny book, one of the best music orientated books ive ever read,funny as fuck,shocking and a book i couldnt put down :condom:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
milenko/ said:
yeah , freaky dancin was more in depth(hallelujah , freaky dancin same story diferent author)

yer right n/s freaky dancin funny book, one of the best music orientated books ive ever read,funny as fuck,shocking and a book i couldnt put down :condom:

Yes Mel i know what ya saying...i couldnt put it down either hahahaah!!! read it in 3days flat!!!!! top quality and so so funny!!!! !!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :p

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
Shooms said:
I'm currently re-reading for the umpteenth time Terry Pratchett - Night Watch

I love Pratchett me - n I can't travel anywhere without a book :$
Top Book m8:thumbsup: Love the disk world books, my fav is soul music;)

Just finished reading Lord of the rings (again) my all time favorit book:thumbsup:

Currently reading the Sicillian by Mario Puzo (the follow up to the Godfather) tells (untold) story of Michale Corrleone in siccaly. absolutly tip top so far.

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
great choice of thread!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: interesting!

im currently reading 'thank you and ok' by david chadwick
tis good, its about an american zen monks 'journey' in japan, its split in two between his monastic life and his life with his wife, all a bit mad but comes together well, full of simple teachings of shunryu suzuki and very touching indeed

yes ed il get it back to you in the new year! :D