Check out this bad boy...
An old guy who lives over the road from Butty has one of these...
and I've seen him on the motorway with it in the past.... Anyhoo, one day when I was mega hungover and had been working, I'd pulled up at Butty's all ready to go for a lie down and shiz, he asked me to help him jump start it. I reaaaaaaaaaaaally didn't want to as I felt like shit but obviously he's an old dude and I don't wana go to hell or wherever for not helping out nice old people, so I said yes.
We wheeled it off the drive, (they are light as a feather... surprised he doesn't get blown off the motorway) and open up the bonnet to attach the jump leads when I notice he's got an old washing up liquid bottle under it!! I was like (WTF) "is this supposed to be under here?"
Goodness only knows how long it'd been under there for and what exactly it had in it! Lol. Not sure the thing is even road worthy but he drives around so at least it makes him happy!