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    Nighty Night.

    God i am on a thread starting bonanza tonight me lol. Anyone a fan of this utterly brill series. I missed it the first time round apart from one, and wanted to get the whole lot on dvd. It is just being re-shown in its entirity right now, only two have been shown so far so if you can watch it-...
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    Christmas food!

    How great is all the food thats available at this time of year! Massive fuck off ham piecies with cloves in them, mini sausages, smolked salmon, ace cheese, phesant,mince pies, christmas pud, yule log, loads of tins of things like Roses and Celebratins, dips, twiglet stylee muncies, and not...
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    I just can't stand the excitment!

    All this Christmas malarky is driving me mad, i can't stand having so many gifts for people lol. Before i had to sit in the car with Jonnolad for an hour, with a great book i had bought him on the back seat. It was killing me so i had to force him to open it early, even though he didn't want to...
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    Z- list celeb spotting :)

    About a week ago i spotted Tony Wilson sat in the corner of the pub i was having lunch in, and tonight in the Tapas place in Horwich was that silver haired bloke from Peter Kay. Beat that if you can! :)
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    See if you can guess the retro kids prog. ---- ------- ---- ----- I have roughly estimated that a hangman would have 10 goes, so pick a letter to beingskio! :) (a clue it was on bbc1)
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    What book have you got on the go at the mo

    For me its Elizabeth Wurtzel's 'Prozac Nation'. Its so far a more depressive and graphic 'Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath. Its wrote like a reflective journal, so the facts and events are wrote on the right hand, and her thoughts and feelings to such events on the other. Its alright, not a bad read-...
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    Log burners :)

    I have had one of these fit in my dining room, and they are top narna! The last few days both Jonno and I have been scrapping over who is the 'fire master' as we both want the top dog position in front to faff and chuck more wood on. There is something really odd about open fires and the like...
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    James Hewitt as Dave

    I know it was a bit ago, a few weeks i think- but did anyone watch this on chan 5? The prog was called 'Posh Swap'. I have never been a fan of Hewitt, but i have to say he did impress me with his acting ability in this. :)
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    All welcome new boy!

    Alright, now you are not the same Pete Cuss that shat himself during PE in my junior's are you :D Welcome to the board mate :thumbsup:
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    Peep Show and Monkey Dust

    These are my two fave things on the telly at the mo. I love Monkey dust, lol its just so wrong at times. Peep show is hilarious, excellent casting. Anyone else fans? :)
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    Great day today buying 45's

    It was my last day off today, i have been off for months lol so we wanted to make it a good one. Jonno and I have been to Manc, and spent both a silly amount of time and money on buying some great Northern Soul from Beatin Rhythm. I also managed to get hold of a copy of Janis Ian's 'At...
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    League of Gentlemen- third series :)

    I am a bit slow on this one lol. I got this at Christmas and only just got round to watching it. My god lol is it horrific. The frst series was really funny and warped, the second more warped with a few laugh out loud moments, but this one- jesus its just wrong lol. Yet i couldn't take my eyes...
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    New GTA

    Jonno and I bought this frst thing this am from Tesco, its only £29.00 there. I am not a big fan tbh, but Jonno is nearly having kittens he is freaking out so much. Apparantly its 6 times as big as the last one, has 3 airports etc. You can even pick the hairstyle of your choice (Jonno is going...
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    The Elephant Man :(

    Watched half of this the other night, only got up to where he was showing the doc and his missus the photie of his mother, and i had to stop as i was getting upset. I am going to have my tea (Risotto before anyone starts a crazy 'what you had for tea thread :P ) and watch the rest, but i know i...
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    Chavalanche n. A terrifying Burberry-clad cascade of scratters. (defintion curtesy of Viz). Right, Jonno and I have have just returned from a pub on the outskirts of Prestoni, and it can only be described as Chav central. We just called in as it was next to a Spar (neither of us ever like to...
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    Public Library's are full of.........

    Crazy Horses Waaa waaa! My god, i am surrounded by freaks. I have no access to the tinty at home at the mo,so here i am in a lovely Lancs town,full of hunch backed inbreads. The woman next to me greeted me with the words "sorry if i smell bad i have a cold and can't wash my hair for fear of...
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    That exrta bit on Clapton's 'Layla'

    never knew it existed until i was inrtoduced to it by a freind via a pub jukebox. Its got loverllllly piano. Anyone else heard it? :)
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    Michael Fish

    His last ever weather forcast after some 33 years on BBC in a mo. :thumbsup: Big up to fishy!
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    Pulling a Sicky

    Right, yesterday and today i have sort of skived of placement (i say sort of as i am a little bit unwell). I only strated it last week as well. I have phoned my work educator and told her (lol well left a mesage on the answerphone each morn) and emailed uni (chickened out of phoning). I don't...
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    Shaun of the Dead/ Delicatessen

    Watched Shaun of the Dead and thought this was really good, i was suprised how funny i thought it was as it didn't come across as my type of film. I thought it was great to see so many talented young Brit comedians in it, i love the bloke out of the Black Books, and the girl from Spaced. A...