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very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
i dont watch soaps either sorry but they just bug me , i agree with mr radish totally ......

i dont really watch much tv as i have to much to do in other areas of my life ...

as mr radish says " tv remotes do come in hand as you can switch the tv off;)

big sam

i dont watch soaps either sorry but they just bug me , i agree with mr radish totally ......

i dont really watch much tv as i have to much to do in other areas of my life ...

as mr radish says " tv remotes do come in hand as you can switch the tv off;)

TV remotes also doubles up as a small hand missile ;)


Active member
Apr 1, 2003
yeah but yeah but yeah but ACID HOUSE screams the headline P15 in todays Sun:cool:

Credit where its due, anything that brings about that kind of headline deserves applause:king:
The concept was not shite when it was original, but the sad excuses of human life and the manipulation/selection of them are/is shite.

When it first started the "contestants" really were quite naive as to how famous they were by the time they came out. Now they are painfully aware of how "famous" they will be if they get in. Hense the never ending queue of Quasi human freaks that populate our screens. (or in my case tabloid newspaper!)

Desparate, trashy, soul destroying, vacant, boring, drip-fed, addictive TV.

Hey, but that's just my opinion and were all free to do what we want, so what is Mr Radish on about!!!!!!!!??

To be honest it could be fab and I'm missing out as (probably not though) I droppped out early in season 2.

Then again, what am I doing . .. . sitting on an internet forum writing pompous notes ??? It's all very confusing LOL!:fekked:

Lol youre hilarious :rofl: :thumbsup:

I agree with you that the first one was by far the best and now its just filled with freaks who want to be famous :crazy:

But I still watch it tho, Im addicted to trash tv (much to paulys dismay) theres something quite theraputic about it! :rolleyes:

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