Don't get me wrong, I think this web site is a really helpful, great place and I find it really useful for helping me locate samples I want to use in dance music I'm making currently. But I do think it's a bit sad in a way, sort of a sentimental/rose coloured view on yesteryear.
I think music dance music has moved on a lot since the days of piano tunes, (I did love them and still listen to them occasionally, even though some of them sound terribly dated now and badly made!, not all of them , but some) There is loads of great dance music being made now that is diverse and interesting, so why just concentrate on old skool piano tunes?
I'm not critisising people here, but its just a bit like "eeh when I were a lad it were better et etc" When infact there is tons of good music out there being made right now. I suppose it's different and you are in your early 20's and dj'ing this stuff cos that sounds like a bit of a laugh once a month or whatever, but I do feel guilty being in my early 30's looking back to another era when I used to rave!
Sorry to ramble, but I'm just being honest
I think music dance music has moved on a lot since the days of piano tunes, (I did love them and still listen to them occasionally, even though some of them sound terribly dated now and badly made!, not all of them , but some) There is loads of great dance music being made now that is diverse and interesting, so why just concentrate on old skool piano tunes?
I'm not critisising people here, but its just a bit like "eeh when I were a lad it were better et etc" When infact there is tons of good music out there being made right now. I suppose it's different and you are in your early 20's and dj'ing this stuff cos that sounds like a bit of a laugh once a month or whatever, but I do feel guilty being in my early 30's looking back to another era when I used to rave!
Sorry to ramble, but I'm just being honest