Expensive skin care et al.

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Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Lozzie said:
Oh, and I'd also like to add. Touch eclat is sooooo not the wonder product it's mad out to be! ..

ahhh...Touche Eclat... the amount of times I've so nearly bought one to try on the strength of its alleged reputation . then I remember I dont even use concealer whatsoever, and get all humpy about the shocking price :p If I've got bags under my eyes I'll just whack my shades on and / or get me head down for a bit :D
Maybe I'll succumb one day..

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
Rite, here's my views......

On my skin I use dove soap and vasolene intensive care moisturiser coz I find they work for my skin and I don't need anything else.... don't get spots or owt!!! :D

As for make up, my essentials would have to be:

My mascara, L'oreal one in a goldy/silvery tube.... mint as fook!

Lip balm...... I've got one thats like a gloss so it gets the :thumbsup: from me..... from boots

I have a concealer for under my eyes which is similar to the touche eclair (my mum said she preferred it) its the 17 one from boots, still about £13 mind!!!!:cool:

I have the benefit bronzer blusher thingy ma bobby.... dallas its called its like a subtle bronzer but wih pinky tones in!!! just what i wanted!! was £22 but well worth it!:D

I know someone who usd to work for clinique and she used to get discout of other products, one of which is creme de la mer...... she could get 75% off, thats how much mark up there is on it!!! :eek: :| It makes me a bit cynical to say the least!!!!

Don't really wear foundation although I do have one...... use it very rarely and had the same reaction from the woman as you amy..... "oh my god, how pale are you:eek: " YES, I'M WELL AWARE OF THAT..... HAVE BEEN LIKE THIS FOREVER AND IT'S NOT GOIN TO CHANGE NOW IS IT YOU DAFT BITCH!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

There is no problem about bein pale...... lads don't prefer it..... or the ones that matter don't seem to give a shit! It's never held me back, I think it's just girls thinkin lads care about bein pale and stuff..... I think butty prefers it, he likes my freckles anyway!!! :D :D
